Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

End of a Year and the Start of a Season

Today is the day of finals and looking back on the year i have not kept up with my studies. My grades have suffered this year and this year has been full of many dissappoints school wise. Early in the year i took a latin class that i deeply regret. I know many of you say this but im saying it as a true statement, my teacher was crazy. I broke her into tears more then once and she was just straight crazy. I at one point had an F but i was able for the year bring that up to C and on the final i mustered a C again. The second semster was full of me not doing my full potentional again but i think i mustered again the grades i want. Basketball this year had some highs and lows but i want comment on it because alot of my summmertime blog will be full of basketball stories from summer leagues. The year was also spent with alot of people i was not friends with last year. I spent alot of time with Max Beal who i had not even talked to till this year. He was in my ASS class but i maybe talked to him twice. We begin hanging out through a person i and him almost never talk to. Also, at every football game i set with a kid from LC that was friends with Brian Kandrack who i will not comment on. I will always remember persuading Joe into thinking a bottle of water was 2$ instead of 1$. He will never forget that also. Also, i have began hanging out entirely to much with Zack Braff. In the past two weeks i have been over his house or in his car at least 30 hours. Im still working at the Y but im taking on a big think here soon with the beginning of me being a lifegaurd. I know many of you are saying "that kid couldnt save his own life," which is very true. But they dont know that and come on, most people who drown are little kids so ill be fine, hopefully. The year was capped with a concert which was truly amazing. The Killers and Hot Hot Heat rocked the Scene Pavillion and i was mellested by a lady double my age. This is the first of many segments by me about my journeys. Once again thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dillon! Your such an internet nerd for keeping a summer blog but its funny nontheless. I enjoyed your stories about being molesting by a 40 year old lady. I now feel safe to swim at the Y. It's really nice to know that Dillon will be able to save me at a moments notice. One idea that I would suggest is adding stuff about me. Peace

12:06 PM

Blogger Geo said...

This looks like a promising blog.

3:33 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dillon i see you and i don't like you very much.


learn to sleep at appropriate times.

3:34 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

That comment made no sence by anonymous and now i want to know who it is.

10:49 AM

Blogger Geo said...

It was Zack, duh.

11:08 AM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

I know he doesnt like me but i dont get the sleeping comment.

11:16 PM


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