Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Monday, June 13, 2005

And So It Starts

The begginning has not been the funnest begginning but its still summer and its a summer of no plans and just hanging out. I have yet to take my lifegaurding test but it will happen tomorrow for sure. I spent much of the time away from school just doing nothing. In all out honesty the highlight was finnally beating GTA:SA which has been sitting in my library forever without a touch. The first day of the summer was highlighted by a rousing game of stick where a stick went through an umbrella that was quite large. Stick is the summer game of choice just to let some of you guys know. The day was also spent in Corky Companas pool playing basketball where i have later found out that we arent aloud in there. I did however have a scrimmage on saturday at Mount Union which is a football god. The school is located in Alliance and after seeing how shitty the town was i have to rule it out as a possible place i want to go to college. The scrimmage was not a good one for amherst. Early on i was looking to create some fastbreak points that just werent happening. I was the only senior there and the day was a long one. After i got home i watched some Coldplay live which everytime i hear them i like them more and more. I would recomend to anyone you pick up XandY because its amazing. About midnight zack came over with enough cash to crush me as i set there. We went to Denny`s and my phone was abused to the point of almost breaking. He also broke a truce that he will recieve something back for one day. Sunday was a day where i was supposed to see Crash but due to circumstances of grades of someone else i did not go. I did however go to The Castle and so something i will never forget. Zack knows what i saw and you will never get to see it so dont worry bout it. I did however get to watch a classic movie that i havent seen in at least three years in Tombstone. Well thats not the best weekend ever but it happened and i thought i would let you guys know. Ill Be Your Huckleberry (tombstone reference.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey matt dillon



6:15 PM

Blogger Geo said...

Structure, structure, structure!

--Stick was hilarious.

6:28 AM


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