Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Days Of Work And Play

It has been over a week since the last entry and i have neglected to write on this for no good reason at all. Last week was spent every night at basketball and not doing much at all. Seeing how i didnt right this last week im trying to remember what i did but am having a hard time remembering everything. I do know however that on friday night i, with george, went to vince`s house and played ddr. I have to say that the game is incredibly gay and if you are good at it you get some brownie points because of the difficulty. Wait, i saw batman on wednesday and here is the review:

Batman Begins is the best superhero movie that i have ever seen. It went with the dark and somewhat grimy affect of Gotham while previous batmans went with a futuristic idea that was not very cool at all. The Scarecrow was so incredibly cool and has made me love the actor who played him and would almost watch anything he is gonna be in or was in (soon red eye and for now 28 Days Later.) Overall the movie ran on the long side, which through George for a loop, but other then that i really liked it. The hero cliche of not killing anyone really pisses me off and is addressed in the movie which i like. So this is from 1 to 10 is a 8.6.

Back to the blog now. The weekend was spent in Erie, Penn. playing basketball in a shootout that was full of all losses. On saturday night the team had a poker tourny where i pulled down the win and 40$. On sunday we had more games but was highlighted with me and a kid from Pittsburgh almost getting into a fight. The kid looked like he was all hopped on steriods but i was so mad i was gonna fight him. It ended with me and him have a yelling match with me calling him a Faggoty Bitch. I would tell you what he said but no one on the team could really understand him. It just sounded like he was mumbling. Monday was another day of awsomeness. After gaurding for 4 hours i went to crocker park with Zack and saw Crash. Once again here is the review:

Crash is a movie about racism and the struggles of enthicities in southern california. Its very hard to explain the movie with so many characters being equal in stature and one not being bigger then another. t's difficult to sum up this movie, because it's so many different stories that weave in and out of each other, ala Magnolia. There are cops Graham and Ria (Don Cheadle and Jennifer Esposito). There's the district attorney and his wife (Brendan Fraser and Sandra Bullock). There are the thiefs (Ludacris and Larenz Tate). There are some street cops (Matt Dillon and Ryan Phillippe). There's a TV director and his wife (Terrence Dashon Howard and Thandie Newton). And there's a locksmith and a shop owner (Michael Pena and Shaun Toub). And they've all got problems... Many highlights but Michael Pena daughter being shot is one of the most powerful moments in a movie that i have ever seen. It all deals with a conflict of him fixing a lock to the store the Shaun Toub owned but was broken into. This scene i beleived to be more powerful then the scene with Sean Penn in Mistic River. I became extremely attached to Pena`s character and would wish him some kinda of nod for his role in this. Overall the movie is a masterpeice and should be recognised by the academy. The movie is an 9.4 out of 10.

Back to the blog. After the movie we got to play some more poker which resulted in me winning another 23$ bucks so im loving playing poker again. On tuesday George anc Vince and I went to Church Street and pertaked in the all u can eat wings. I realised to get a deal on wings you most eat 40 to get them for a .25$ a pop. I got that so i have no regrets but if we do it again were going to Quaker State instead. This weekend is the coming of the INTERNATIONAL and will be full of good times at it. I can`t wait to spend time with people i like and not with people i dislike.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you're having a great summer. If I had kids I wouldn't let them swim at the Y. Thanks for giving crash a positive review but you probably should have written *spoiler* at the top. And, what the hell is "stick", why is it the official game of summer, and where can I play it. Peace

10:26 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

first of all i know why you couldnt remember what you did, because youre on drugs, just joshin, and second of all, stop playing poker without me, seeing as im always asking you to play, thats it. o yea you left your ben folds CD in my car, would you like it back?

10:41 PM

Blogger Geo said...

This is coming together nicely

Yours truely, Cocoa

12:21 AM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Yes, i would like my ben folds back and for a list of current nicknames check my info.

3:48 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

matt matt matt

you are a poo poo head

but i want your little asian butt.

btw, girls named alex rule.

12:28 AM


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