Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Small Scale Riot

Not much has happened over the time since my last post but a few really key things. Since then we have been playing alot of poker which is fine with me. When I say alot I mean almost every day. George and I were also able to see one of the coolest movies of the year in Charlie and The Chocalate Factory and here is my review:

Purely awsomeness in a film. The movie was as visually stunning as it was funny. Tim Burton did a masterful job with this remake of the book. Depp was incredibly cool but a little creepy in a Michael Jacson kinda way. Recomend to anyone who has yet to see it.

Other movies this week included Million Dollar Baby which i recomend to anyone. Very emotional movie that if your emotional you may cry. But the highlight of the week was the HOT HOT HEAT concert. The first band was extremely cool that went by the name of Spiraling. The secont band who i wanted to see almost as much as HOT HOT HEAT were pretty good but were having alot of problems with their equipment. Eisley is still cool in my oppinion and thats all that matters to me. HOT HOT HEAT tore the roof off the place. Their set was incredible and they played every song I wanted to hear. Highlight songs were Bandages, This Town, Mr Jingle Jangle, Goodnight Goodnight, and Elevator. Their bass is my new hero. He was so cool. After the concert was over we went BW3`s. After we came out the whole band was standing outside and we got the guitarist to sign a few things. We were standing there and the cops kept coming by and yelling at us. We finnally left but not to be yelled at by a bitch that I got a few jives in against. After we left and were driving away there was a small scale riot occuring in the street where a bunch of black people were just running around in the street fake fighting. There were problaby 50 of them out there and why we were sitting there the cops couldnt do anything at all. They arrested one guy and then were trying to shoo everyone else out of the road and get them to leave. It was pretty chaotic. This week i also found out Driver`s dad, who he hates, tryed to solicate small children on the web. He was arrested and will most likey face about 120 days in jail, fines, forfiture of his car, lose of liscence, and the shame. His dad met the police online under the SN SSDBIGDADDY and the cop he was talking to was a 35 year old man. Thought i would throw that in here cause it was extremely funny to me. Thats all for this week for the only blogger left I know.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Crunch Wrap Supreme

The crunch wrap is now equal to the chili cheese burrito. If you have yet to have one go out now and get one. They are not really good to go but they are still really good. The week was an extremely weird one with nothing much happening. The jambo took place with myself only going for about 30 minutes and then going off doing illegal matierals. I got back into Socom 2 for preperation for Socom 3 in october. The movie list has really been short recently. The two movies Isaw are Kill Bill Vol. 2 and Equalibrium. Kill Bill Vol 2 was a much better movie than the first one and Michael Madsen was sweet again. Equalibrium was just a Matrix rip but was extremely good anyways. Other then that my days have been short and full of basketball. I finnally got some poker chips so if you want to play and dont have chips let me know. Have a nice life and hopefully I`m included into it. If not, why are you reading my blog anyways?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Stereophonics and the Nation`s Holiday

Well this entry is full of highs and lows. Last wednesday i ran my dads car into the garage which would never be cool any day of the week but wednesday was just a bad one. He then made me pay him 50$ which left me with 20$ for two weeks. That money is already gone because of a poker game that took place where i had a full house with my pocket pair. I went all in because there was only two possible hands that could beat me. He quickly called with no hesitation and i came to realise that he also had a pocket pair but his gave him a nice thing called quads. I normally would blame this on my bad poker playing skills but until someones extremely unlucky girlfriend came and sat down at the table i was doing fine. Marcy, if you read this, don`t come next time we are playing poker please. The rest of the weekend we found the coolest thing ever. Its kinda against the law so please dont tell your parents if they are cops but we went egging. The goal was to get a specific car but it didn`t work out for our party so we had to find other cars to get. The night was really cool and was highlighted by a peeping tom incident through a window. The 4th came and went with the same people most of this blog deals with. George, myself, zack and marcy sat throught some really terrible fireworks and then we sat in traffic for 3 hours trying to get back. We went to the park and found the perfect place to have the ctf game sometime this july. After a rousing game of hide and go seek i had to hit the hay because of work at 5.15 in the morning. This whole week i have had to work at 5.15 so my nights have been short and limited. But yesterday, wednesday, me and zack went to the stereophonics concert. Either one of us had tickets but we ended both getting them and we ended up meeting one of the coolest people in the world whose name just so happened to be Chris which means champion in all languages according to somebody i know. The concert was incredible though. They are now one of my favorite bands and we were front row and center in the house of blues. Aftet the concert me and zack both got guitar picks but his was stolen right out of hands by these british chicks that make their country look really bad and I hated all british people until this morning when i found out about the terrowist attack. I could say that those brits got what they desserved because of the actions of those 3 bitches but that would be unfair so those bitches are just bitches and dont represent the country that they were from. Movie wise this week it was jam packed i went to see War of the worlds and here is the review:

Flat out i was exspecting more from a Steven movie. Tom Cruise was actually good in this movie but the constant screaming of Dacota Fanning made me hate the movie. Overall it followed the story but the stories ending just didn`t give the rest of the movie any justice. I felt ripped off paying 8.25 seeing it but then i remembered a scene with a train and it all felt better. If your looking for an alien trip watch Signs. Much better movie.

Also, i borrewed about 4 movies and still have yet to watch all but i went on a Q.T trip and watched both Pulp Fiction and Resarvior Dogs in the same night and now I see what everyone sees in Q.T. Resarvior Dogs is one of the best movies i ever seen and Pulp Fiction is a very good movie. They will both be added to my collection shortly. I also added Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind to my collection which brought me up to an even 50 movies that i have bought in the past year. I want a taco (resarvior dogs reference) so im going. Thanks for reading because your ridiculous like that.