Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Weirdest Dream I Have Ever Remembered

Okay, last night I had the weirdest dream I can ever remember. I got up this morning after it was over and reflected on it for about 25 minutes. I don't dream often but this one if full of references to movies and alot of other stuff. So here it is;

The dream begins with me sleeping in which seems to be a hotel in the middle of the woods in the summer. A dog keeps barking over and over and I finally got mad enough to find out what it was all about. I find a big man on the porch reading a newspaper and the dog right next to him barking up a storm. By the attire I and the other man is wearing it seems like about the 1890`s. I ask the man to calm his dog down and the man strikes up a fight with me. We both pull out guns and we try to shoot each other. Suddenly a blind man shows up and helps in my fight against him. I finally end up getting a few shots of my gun and the man drops like a ton of bricks. The blind man tells me to find the hotel manager which is not very hard because of the size of the hotel. I find her in her room sleeping. She comes to the door in a bathrobe and I tell her everything that happens. I tell her that it was the man reading the newspaper and for some reason she seems pleased of what happens. She tells me to go to sleep. The next morning I wake up and the blind man seems to be missing. I guess I am now a hero but the old man has disappeared. The town offers me everything I can and offers me a spot in their private school. Then there is a very large reward for killing this man for some reason.

This is where the dream makes its switches. All my dreams always seem to have some kind of intermission and continue but something is different then it was before. We are now back in the present.

The next part of this dream is me going to this school. Everybody at the school was rich and kids gambled on everything. No one ever went to class and everyone loved to prank people. I remember finding this kid sleeping and me and another fellow picked him up and found the boom boom room (pool table room.) We put him in a very large case and closed it on him. After he woke up and the prank was over we started to play pool. The scene became almost exactly like Poolhall Junkies and gambling was everywhere. I ended up in a game with Al Pachino somehow and ended up beating him. He wouldn't pay but challenged me to a game of two on two bball. I decided to have a school wide tournament with a 3k dollar entry fee. Then my search began for my teammate. I went around looking for the kid I called "Dirk" because he was about 7'1 and looked just like him. I found him in a mall after screaming Dirk for about 10 minutes. After much persuasion and telling him I would take care of all his expenses and give him half the winnings. We went to his house where he told his mom he needed new bball shoes. I told his mom I would pay for them and she seemed to get quite perturbed and was extremely mad at me. I pulled out my wallet and when she saw what was in it she stopped argueing. I looked through and found that I had about 3k in 100's in it. Then I looked in my pocket and found that I had a rubberband of 20's that was at least 4k. After this it gets fuzzy. I remember playing in this tourney and prize being almost 115k. I don't really know if I won or lost but I do know that I made the finals. I remember asking "Dirk" for his number also and he told me 212-330-743-5848. He combined two phone numbers and then he never corrected it. It was extremely weird.

This dream is not all that weird but the details I remember is what I find amazing. I have never done anything like this before when I dream with these kind of details.

Donnie: [to his mother] How's it feel to have a wacko for a son?
Rose Darko: It feels wonderful.
Donnie Darko


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats one fucked up dream dill

4:16 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Im glad I have your approval. Its not that fucked up but its just weird the details. I had one last week with a guy running through the mall jumping up in the air and slamming people with baseball bats.

4:22 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dillon youre weird .. two words, gamblers anonymous :-)

4:34 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Yeah, well your really tall. Yeah thats right. Fucking tall people need to keep there fuckign mouths shut about other peoples problems. LOL, that was a storm that I had to survive.

5:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:50 PM

Blogger jk said...

Obviously you're predicting the future.

7:01 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

no because i was now going to the school that i won as a reward and had the reward money. Also, Brendan, go fuck yourself.

3:41 PM


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