Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Monday, November 14, 2005

My Lifesaver Did This

Over the past few days I have realised that Ryan is the only friend I have that would save my life. Not taking anything from you other kids but in all out honesty not one of you would put your lifes at risk for anyone but yourselves or your immediate family. After the bronk I have finally made my way back to the court. Not a great practice but not a bad one but then I found the sudden urge to fucking steal the ball anytime somebody was fucking playing weak. I pressured the kid and he fucking comes back at me with a big ass elbow. I continue to play knowing that something isnt right but I didn't care. He stops playing and says "are we still playing?" Well, im bleeding gallons of blood everywhere and It really didnt hurt until I found my way into the trainers room. I got ahold of my dad and we made our way right down the street to Amherst E.R.

The secont part of my journey had a jewish doctor who was fucking amazing. He told me my life was way to stressed and I needed to calm down. He started on the procedures and goes to me half way throught that he lost count of how many stiches he put in, that bad. He ended it and recomended if I didnt like what he did go to a plastic surgeon. Looking at these pics I look like somebody on Nip Tuck. The surgery was the coolest feeling ever though. Just think your lip being numb and cold metal sliding through it. The gash in it was about 3cm and it went all the way through. He told me if R.C hit me any harder i would have lost a section of my lip. Well, read the comments in the other entry and thanks for looking at this ugly face. Maybe I do need that plastic surgeon.

Cotton McKnight: In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks. But it looks like Peter La Fleur has actually blindfolded himself.
Pepper Brooks: He will not be able to see very well, Cotton.


Blogger Geo said...





10:53 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

i broke out into hives. I would be more stressed if i didnt have these drugs.

10:58 PM

Blogger jk said...

Seriously don't worry about it Chris. It looks bad now because it just happened. It'll end up healing itself after a while.

And you are stressed, dude. You're selling too many people short. There's more than one person out there who'd put themselves on the line for you. Take a step back from the soul searching and relax for a day or two. Things sort themselves out. Worrying doesn't make them work out any better.

11:26 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

You would be stressed too if you were bleeding on everybody. Freshmen coach told me today that in his 25 years on earth, that had to be the grossest thing he has ever seen.

10:43 AM

Blogger jk said...

You looked fine today dude. I wouldn't have even noticed if I didn't know what happened.

3:07 PM

Blogger jk said...

And I can pretty much guarantee I wouldn't be stressed out if I was bleeding on everyone. I'd probably be squeezing all my heart juice out all over the place and laughing my ass off.

3:08 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

I bleed into the water cooler that the girls team uses. Good thing someone noticed or they would have had a new flavor of gatorade. BLOOD.

7:34 PM

Blogger jk said...


8:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha jackass

10:04 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Minor cut? lol, you should have seen it when it happened. You could see into my lip. The doctor did a really good job but my dad wants to take me to a plastic surgeon now.

10:51 AM


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