Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Nintendo Fusion

Five bands on one stage in cleveland. Three of those bands were sweet to me, one i just don`t get why people like them, and the first band that played i was actually really digging. To start this day i had to go to work and talk about stupid shit. It was so wortheless and it accomplished nothing. To overcome this tragic event of a meeting we went to the castle where i got the best thing in the world called a super burrito. It was excellant as usuall. After that bull shit we headed to cleveland to see an event. We got there and got to play some zelda. I didnt find it to be that exciting but ill wait and see if it will be worth the purchase of a cube. The first band Panic! At The Disco played first and i actually really liked their set. It was pretty good. The second band played and was really good to me. I love Boys Night Out and I think everyone should give them a shot. They have a nice blend of styles. The thing that sucked is the amount of emotion in the crowd for these two bands. Nothing fuckin happened. This all changed witht the beginning of the best set ever. Motion City Soundtrack took the stage and owned all. I got up close to the front and went fuckin crazy. It was so fuckin incredible that i will say it again, later. Zack and John went crowd surfing with some bad results for both of them. Zack almost died because no one fuckin kept him going. He almost slammed his fuckin head into the ground but that was nothing compared to John. No offense but the dumbass wore flip flops. Not smart. His toe is one of the nastiest things i have seen up close. It was black and just gross looking. He also lost his wallet but somebody he knew found it. That is incredibly lucky and the chances of that happening are astronomically high. So high i couldnt even count that high. The starting line is overated and just not great. During the set i was supposed to get a kid water but ending up throwing up in it for some reason. I attribute that to the baddness of the starting line. Fall Out Boy was last but not the least. They werent the best but one of the nicest bands i have ever seen. "its getting rough out there. if you see someone fall down pick them up..." Overall they were descent and the concert was finished very nicely. Hmm, I also saw Dana Beal and she was nice to me, go figure.

Barry: Holy shite. What the fuck is that?
Dick: It's the new Belle and Sebastian...
Rob: It's a record we've been listening to and enjoying, Barry.
Barry: Well, that's unfortunate, because it sucks ass.
High Fidelity

This quote is in no way funny but i love belle and sebastian and think its hilarious that a indie band like them who didn`t even wont to be big got mentioned in a movie.


Blogger jk said...

The toe really isn't that bad. It was bleeding last night and looked like a truck ran over it, but once I got home and ripped the nail off it looked fine.

4:46 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Nice, getting my comments up. If anyone would do me a favor and would tell me what song is playing in high fidelity i would kiss you.

6:06 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

the quote is funny, the movie is great..... dillon, dont hurt my john cusack, not in your blog.

12:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you seem to be obsessed with the fact that my sister was nice to you, its kind of creepy.

2:24 PM


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