Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Virginia Beach and A Story

Virginia Beach is such a different place then anywhere in the world. Only in Virginia Beach would the neighbor of my moms give a brand new BMW to 17 year old when her start up car was a 3 year old Land Rover. Its incredible down here. So many tourist that have no idea whats going on in this town. I was born here and I will always call this place a home no matter where I live. This post is going to be pretty deep explaining a few things about my life so i dont exspect many to read and comment. I would hope for no funny comments cause this not being funny at all but ill take them as they come.

I was born May 1, 1988 which is a national holiday in many communist countrys. It is a holiday for the working man. If i was going to become a communist ruler I have a great Birthday for it. My parents divorsed when i was quite young and I dont ever remember them togethor. What I do rememember of their marriage is them being in seperate rooms and not talking very much. I went to school in Virginia Beach and had the time of my life until my dad moved to Ohio. He started up two businesses that both failed but he moved on. In 4th grade I, my little brother (jack), my mom, and stepdad(david) moved to Elizabeth City, NC. Its a shitty town and almost 50% of my school was black, a far cry from Amherst. I lived in a very big, old house for one year and then we moved back to Virginia Beach for one year. We had an awsome beach house that was one minute walk from the beach. That year spent in that house was incredible. The street had an incredible neighborhood atmosphere with almsot every family having kids. You could always find something to do and many nights were highlighted by games of Hide and Go seek, think of your best game that you ever played and think I played that at least once a week. Whats funny is after that year we moved back into that big house in NC and i lived in it for another year and half which were some great times. So many friends and things to do. In that year I fell in love with the game of basketball and have never stopped since. We played so much and had so much fun. Then my mom told me we were moving again. This time I had enough of it and decided to move with my dad who at the time lived in Georgia. Georgia is everything you hear about. Everyones really friendly, drink sweat tea, and are down home country boys. Kids are very respectful to adults then are staight mean to anyone who isnt a country boy like them. I was once almost kicked the shit out of by 5 kids for having more then 50$ in my wallet. I know I run my mouth alot but this time I didnt say anything. The kid just asked me how much I had in my wallet because he was trying to show off the fact that he had like 30$. Whatever though. I didnt stay long and made the trip to amherst, ohio where i know live.

Im guessing no one cares but i really didnt have anything to write about and thought this was a good idea while being here. Thanks and have a good life, hopefully I will be part of your good times.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a racist

50% black lol


2:42 AM


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