Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Gorphanage 05

A lazy friday that starts like every lazy summer friday morning, waking up late and deciding what to do. This one was special though. The night before vince, zack, george, and I decided that we were going to go to the orphanage on that very day. We decided to even make a picnic out of it. At 330 we begun the trip. We forgot directions and cause of lack of a printer had them written on a paper plate. We got to the road and initially made a right, we even saw our final resting place but we believed it to be left. We then went speeding off the other direction. We started the real dead mans curve at a rapid rate and at the bottem of the windiest turn in history we almost died. It felt to me we were losing control but at the bottem of the hill we almost hit a truck that was taking this great turn at a very slow rate because he knew of the danger. We went on. We ran out of road and looked both ways and still found no road. We turned right and found the road again and continued on. We then came to another end of road point. We looked both ways and then turned right again to find our road again. Now here we go, at one point there was a truck or something blocking off our side of the road. George pressed on into incoming traffic into the other lane. NO HESITATION on either drivers part. Myself, Vince, and John were in the backseat freaking out while george laughs. When we got to the truck and started to get over i swear we were no more then a yard away from certain death for me. I was in the middle with no belt and would have flown right through the Hybrid Civics windshield. After that near death exp. we pressed on again. We had already been driving for an hour, hour and half. We then found the most amazing thing ever, a bluegrass festival. We drove in and found that we were like blacks at a KKK event, so out of place. We asked where we were and found that it was a town called Nova. We left as fast as possible and headed the other way back to the starting point. We called alot of people trying to find the location but to noone would tell us. We even asked a biker but she took up a snotty attitude when we asked if she knew the location. We think she was protecting the secret. Jared came out acting like he know the location and after sitting in the smallest downtown in the country in firelands he showed up. We began following him and found that he knew less then us. We finnally thought we had found it at our original location and begun our picnic. We walked down a hill and found the bridge of death that in no way was i crossing with flip flops on. We pressed on and found a trail that brought us to a very cool area along the river. After spending some time down on the river we headed back and decided to end the day with no finding of the grail we were looking for. This day had everything. Pacts, near death happenings, great fun, and the thrill of thinking we found something we really didnt. Until next time we make a day out of you, so long to the Route 66 of Ohio.


Blogger Geo said...

Hey everyone Dillon isn't a fan of pb & j everybody make fun of him.

4:20 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what, a, loser.

6:12 PM


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