Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Had To Post This John, I Really Did LOL

Conversation about John and sports led to this story;
jijibijiboy: that's nothing compared to the true story of my first day at football
RunOfTheDill: hmm
RunOfTheDill: i want to know
RunOfTheDill: do tell
jijibijiboy: ok
jijibijiboy: so i'm at practice
jijibijiboy: i'm new, i don't really know anyone
RunOfTheDill: write on big message
RunOfTheDill: please i dont want to have to keep coming back and fourth
RunOfTheDill: thanks for doing that
RunOfTheDill: i have like 22 thhings going
RunOfTheDill: and my cpu sucks
RunOfTheDill: long
RunOfTheDill: press enter now so i can started
RunOfTheDill: get started
jijibijiboy: i'm a quiet guy, you know that. so i'm basically sticking to myself. at the time i'm like 145 lbs.... so, really small compared to these others guys. so we're at practice. we're doing the exercises, and i am DYING. i can hardly breathe. swear to god, i had tunnel vision, i was sweating to death- ready to pass out. and this is fifteen seconds into it. finally we go outside and i'm like, sweet, time to leave.
jijibijiboy: so i'm getting ready to get outta there when i realize we're supposed to run around the entire school. three times.
RunOfTheDill: lol u would die at a day of bball
jijibijiboy: i'm like, ok, i'm basically so exhausted i'm stoned. so i start running. and i keep running. and when everyone turns to circle the school, i keep running straight.
RunOfTheDill: lol
jijibijiboy: behind me i hear the coach calling.
RunOfTheDill: i really laughed out loud
jijibijiboy: i ran all the way home
RunOfTheDill: lol again i really did
jijibijiboy: and puked all over the living room floor
RunOfTheDill: my dad is asking whats going on
RunOfTheDill: lol
jijibijiboy: hahaha
RunOfTheDill: lol
RunOfTheDill: im dying
jijibijiboy: joe can collaborate
jijibijiboy: that's a true story
RunOfTheDill: i just fell out of my chair
RunOfTheDill: im not even kidding
jijibijiboy: calm down man :P


Blogger Geo said...

You said that was day one, was there a day 2?

11:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was true.... absolutely, i was the 240lbs fatty who kept running wondering, Where is that kid going?

11:10 PM

Blogger jk said...

Sadly, Geo, it was the first and the last.

I remember Lauie Weber encouraging me to jump rope, too. But that's a story for another day.

12:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

dillon, you're stupid. just try one of our days at basketball.

ask joe or george.

they understand the hell that you will never receive, you just won't understand that gillam's practices are a walk in the park compared to lawhead.

4:29 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

LOL, you would die what in what we did a few days ago. Anyways, you play tennis now and thats not a sport. Well it is, but not a spectator one that normal people make a point to watch every day.

10:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't hate on tennis.

and you would die everyday at old basketball.

12:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

your just jealous you can't play tennis *** :D

12:15 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

yeah im jealous of a sport that isnt one. You cant golf and i can so i make up for not being able to play tennis.

11:58 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

well tennis is for gay people yeah thats right gay ... and basketball is so much harder why dont you just go suck dick

9:41 PM


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