Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Deep Thinking

When you are sick and tripping on vicadin you think about a lot of things that you have never thought before. Last Saturday I questioned alot of things but after looking back on that night I had another pass at them during a conversation over the internet with somebody that people who read this do not need to know(please keep what i said on the dl.) Religion is the most overrated thing in the world. I believe in a god and believe that someone is somewhere making my life a tad harder for me but what churches teach is true bull. Today, Max told me I got kicked out of Phych. when nothing even close to that happened. I was yelled at for sleeping. Being sick he later understood. But the fact remains that in the matter of one day the story had changed that much. So how could religion not change in the matter of thousands of years? I believe religion to be a way of putting meaning to our lives and just not accepting the fact that we are just on this world to live out something pointless and try to leave some kind of mark, most do not. Our lives our pretty pointless also. We do meaningless things every day. I play basketball and it has come to my mind that in no way 10 years from now will this ever help me. The things I do for fun have no purpose either. I play football or a shooting game on video game console. Now if you can think of one way how that will make me a better person or help me in the future I congradulate you and hopefully you let me in on it. I have very few friends that I think I will talk to after high school and out of all of them I only know of one of them that would save my life if it was ever threatened. I thank him for this and this person usually does not read my blog but I will thank him anyways. Millions of things rushing through my mind and I don't know if I'm crazy, the Z-Pack, or a combo. Thanks for reading this pointless post but I wanted a record of the day I questioned alot of things.

Gretchen: You're weird.
Donnie: Sorry.
Gretchen: No, that was a compliment.
Donnie Darko


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dillon ive been trying to tell people for years religion is stupid, and they all say im an atheist, so, i guess you and me are atheists now.

11:00 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Who knows if the christian religion is the right one. For all we know being Muslim like the millions of others could be the right thing to do. All i know is Gihad is sweet.

11:19 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

i blame the majority of our problems on the microwave. anything that gets that hot without fire is from the devil. try putting a hot pocket in there for three or four minutes and take a bite. if that's not hell ladies and gentlemen, i don't know what is.

11:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe what chiz dillon is trying to say is that he finds it stupid that religions tell each other theyre wrong and what not, cause thats kind of annoying, but w slash e

2:58 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Max knows everything i mean after i say it with no interpretation. Thats why i talk to this kid. It takes a convo on the meaning or lack their of of life for max to talk though.

5:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This has to be the stupidest blog entry i have ever seen. You are suicidal to think these things. I hope you end up killing yourself you fucking retard.

5:27 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

man dont be hating on chris dillon .. hes a sweet dude

6:29 PM

Blogger RunOfTheDill said...

Thanks, Ryan way to have my back and come and SaveTheDay.

11:50 PM

Blogger jk said...

lol kill yourself omg.

12:54 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Dillon. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. Jerk.

12:59 AM


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