Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Concert Is Sold Out

"The concert is sold out so you might as well leave if you don't have a ticket. Don't cry or slit your wrist or anything, just leave. Go home and write a blog about it." BoysNightOut and Armor For Sleep were amazing and thats really about all I saw. I caught the end of the Chicodas set which was better then I thought it would be. Not much happened at the concert but before the concert Max thought a guy wanted to shake his hand but was really asking for money. The problem with that is Max shook his hand and it was a glove on a claw which was fricken hilarious to me. I almost got into a fight with this jacket wearing faggot but it didn't happen. He then went on to light up a blunt right in front of us. After the concert was bathroom finding time which took forever. I had to go for about 4 and half hours but luckily for us we finally found White Castle and they never close the inside. That led to the purchase of the single grossest thing I will eat without complaing which is a burger from White Castle. They are so gross but oh so good. Short blogs are easier for me to write so this is the new wave of the future, I think.

Sgt. Siek: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother fucker in the valley


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4:38 PM


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