Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Weirdest Dream I Have Ever Remembered

Okay, last night I had the weirdest dream I can ever remember. I got up this morning after it was over and reflected on it for about 25 minutes. I don't dream often but this one if full of references to movies and alot of other stuff. So here it is;

The dream begins with me sleeping in which seems to be a hotel in the middle of the woods in the summer. A dog keeps barking over and over and I finally got mad enough to find out what it was all about. I find a big man on the porch reading a newspaper and the dog right next to him barking up a storm. By the attire I and the other man is wearing it seems like about the 1890`s. I ask the man to calm his dog down and the man strikes up a fight with me. We both pull out guns and we try to shoot each other. Suddenly a blind man shows up and helps in my fight against him. I finally end up getting a few shots of my gun and the man drops like a ton of bricks. The blind man tells me to find the hotel manager which is not very hard because of the size of the hotel. I find her in her room sleeping. She comes to the door in a bathrobe and I tell her everything that happens. I tell her that it was the man reading the newspaper and for some reason she seems pleased of what happens. She tells me to go to sleep. The next morning I wake up and the blind man seems to be missing. I guess I am now a hero but the old man has disappeared. The town offers me everything I can and offers me a spot in their private school. Then there is a very large reward for killing this man for some reason.

This is where the dream makes its switches. All my dreams always seem to have some kind of intermission and continue but something is different then it was before. We are now back in the present.

The next part of this dream is me going to this school. Everybody at the school was rich and kids gambled on everything. No one ever went to class and everyone loved to prank people. I remember finding this kid sleeping and me and another fellow picked him up and found the boom boom room (pool table room.) We put him in a very large case and closed it on him. After he woke up and the prank was over we started to play pool. The scene became almost exactly like Poolhall Junkies and gambling was everywhere. I ended up in a game with Al Pachino somehow and ended up beating him. He wouldn't pay but challenged me to a game of two on two bball. I decided to have a school wide tournament with a 3k dollar entry fee. Then my search began for my teammate. I went around looking for the kid I called "Dirk" because he was about 7'1 and looked just like him. I found him in a mall after screaming Dirk for about 10 minutes. After much persuasion and telling him I would take care of all his expenses and give him half the winnings. We went to his house where he told his mom he needed new bball shoes. I told his mom I would pay for them and she seemed to get quite perturbed and was extremely mad at me. I pulled out my wallet and when she saw what was in it she stopped argueing. I looked through and found that I had about 3k in 100's in it. Then I looked in my pocket and found that I had a rubberband of 20's that was at least 4k. After this it gets fuzzy. I remember playing in this tourney and prize being almost 115k. I don't really know if I won or lost but I do know that I made the finals. I remember asking "Dirk" for his number also and he told me 212-330-743-5848. He combined two phone numbers and then he never corrected it. It was extremely weird.

This dream is not all that weird but the details I remember is what I find amazing. I have never done anything like this before when I dream with these kind of details.

Donnie: [to his mother] How's it feel to have a wacko for a son?
Rose Darko: It feels wonderful.
Donnie Darko

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Is Overrated

Christmas Eve is the most overrated day of the year. When you were little all you wanted to do was go to sleep so the magical day came sooner. Now when your older, you just want to get the day over so you can get through the next day faster. As you can see, Christmas is not my favorite holiday of the year. About half way through Christmas every year of my life I was bored out of my mind. None of your friends can ever do anything and no one in my family or extended family was ever my age so I would never have anything to do but watch people cook and when no one was looking steal some turkey. Also, one of the many things I hate is Christmas music. It is the most annoying thing in the world. Bunch of people who sing songs that have been sang a million times before by about a million other better singers. Hanging out with family is twee though but I will be spending my Christmas sleeping the whole twee day. Nothing exciting happened this week but I did however eclipse the four thousand song mark on my computer.

Top 15 0f 05
1. Sufjan Stevens-Illinois
2. Bright Eyes-Digital Ash
3. The Decemberists-Pisc
4. Spoon-Gimme Fiction
5. The National-Alligator
6. Keane-Hopes And Fears
7. The Futureheads-The Futureheads
8. Bloc Party-Silent Alarm
9. Bright Eyes-Im Wide Awake
10. Ryan Adams-29
11. Of Montreal-Sundalic Twins
12. The Boy Least Likely Too-Best Party Ever
13. Stereophonics-Language Sex Violence Other
14. Kanye West-Late Registration
15. The Go-Team-Panther

I don't hate Christmas but maybe if I didn't get the main thing I wanted this year I would like it more. Have a merry christmas and hello and goodbye.

Ralphie as Adult: My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium, a master.
Christmas Story

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Cold Weather In Sandals Is Always A Laugh

My new thing is being to lazy to put a pair of sox on, then shoes, and then after all that tie my shoes. Putting on sandals and sticking out the cold is a much better idea. What has happened in this wonderful week? Nothing at all. Christmas approaches and all I want to do is visit my mom and see the brothers and sisters. Family is what its really all about. Saw King Kong and it does not compare to the classic that is the original. I can't put my finger on it though but I found the beast and the beauty thing to be a little stupid. Walk the Line was okay. I didn't like Ray and this was Ray with a white guy. Big fan of Phoniex and Cash but I didn't find it to be in anyway awsome. Trainspotting is the best movie I have seen in at least a month. It has scared me away from experimenting with anything with a needle involved. This has to be the worst entry ever but this week was not awsome in anyways. Sledding to school is always fun kids.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Thank you, your honor. With God's help I'll conquer this terrible affliction.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: We would have injected vitamin C if only they had made it illegal!
Two favorite quotes from the movie.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Its been a long time, a very long time.

Yes, I'm finally posting a new entry for all of you basketball players who find reading into my mind to be extremely hilarious for some reason. Ryan for some reason finds new humor in anything that goes into this blog but he usually knows within the day what happened. The past two weekends have been not so good so here they are with some stuff in the middle.

Friday happened with nothing doing. Others did things that I was informed of but not part of for good reason. Saturday came and went with very little doing. Wait, I lied. On Saturday my dad told me he would buy me my Ipod video for Christmas. We went out to dinner and then the goal of the day was screwed up by my dad. So, later in the day Joe, Zack, and Occonner come by my house to bring me an extremely large dill pickle. No idea why or where that thing went but it was an extremely weird gift. We decided to go to BestBuy and go buy my Ipod but somebody sold the very one that was being held for me. Usually "hold" means hold. The employee, who was a former Amherst graduate, told me that they had 20 still in Avon. With that info we rushed to the car. We all hopped in and with the movement of a stick the car was gone. We just kept going back and ended up hitting a very large pole. My first car accident and it was not cool at all. The whiplash was incredible and we problaby only hit the pole going about 15mph. The backwindow got owned and so did the bed of the truck. First thing said after the accident by Occonner "I guess were not getting your ipod video." The day ended and the next began. After work Ryan and I found our way to North Olmstead to buy my ipod video, High Fidelity, and Jacky Brown. Good way to spend $349.44 in 7 minutes. We saw E.C verse Columbia and Southview and Admiral King do battle at E.C to end the night.

Nothing happened the whole week but me telling Aaron Mckinney that everyone he calls to hang out on the weekends with are not his friends and that no one answers their phones for a reason. I think he almost cried and I shut him up for like 10 minutes so that made my week. People have wanted to say what I said to him for at least two months when I made them see the light about him and his constant annoyingness.

Weekend came and went extremely fast. Saw Clearview get handled at Vermillion on Friday to open the first week of high school basketball. Saturday was a lazy day of getting ready for the game of all games that ended up being the a night I would like to forget. Shutting #21 down was not possible. He did it all. Sunday came and we had a nice dinner with the coaches. I do not think I have laughed so much in my entire life. The dog that never moved, the torture devices, somebody stealing all the juices, the basket I knocked over, and everything else.

This blog was long overdue and I hope Jacs, Coopa, and Claw enjoy it.

Ordell Robbie: Now that there is the Tec-9, a crappy spray gun from South Miami. This gun is advertised as the most popular gun in American crime. Do you believe that shit? It actually says that in the little book that comes with it: the most popular gun in American crime. Like they're actually proud of that shit.
Jackie Brown

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Did you see that? If you were at Best Buy you did.