Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Super Blog Coming From Zack and I

We are the adminstrators of the super blog. I think im going to keep it going even after we leave for college as a way for us to communicate with each other and other people who go to different colleges. Be on the look out for that and a update this week again for no reason at all.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hate Pt. 1

Hate-To feel hostility or animosity toward
It has come to me that in Amherst and in this county I hate a ton of people. It has come to me that all these people I think I hate, I really do not. Brian Kandrac may be an asshole and tryed to pick a fight with a 85 year old but deep down I kind of like him. Aaron is overrated and if you read my blog you will get the explanation to that. You talk more then me and when someone tells you to shut up, you do not listen. At the football games people countless times have told you to stop but you keep on going. You are very persistent and will not take no for an answer. Lets see, who is next? Drew Phillips i just dislike because everyone told me he was Ryan's cousin but in all out honesty, he is not even related to the kid. Ryan, I could never hate you. Webb, I kinda would rather not hang out with this kid. He seems o.k but he is really inmature sometimes. He also does not know what indie music is and tells me my idea of it is wrong, your not right. Lastly, he tells impossible stories and exspects us to believe. Droll I do dislike with no explanation needed. All these kids also have no credibility except Ryan in my eyes and this list will grow longer over time. I have no idea why I wrote this but I did and now I wish I had not wasted my time on it.

Champ Kind: I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Blood Work On A Friday

I woke up Friday the same time I always do. Normally I get ready just in time to get in Ryan's car but on this day I had an appointment with Dr. Sun. I got my physicall then I told him how i was feeling the past couple days and he recomended that I go get bloodwork done for my thyroid. My dad has that problem so he believes that I may have it also. I went to LabCorp to get it done and on the first try the nurse missed the vein. She had to do it again and on the secont try she thought she had missed again but I got lucky and the blood began to pour out. It was about eleven at the point so I had to hit up some food. Getting food at Bellacinos took a minute and by the time that was done it was almost one. I decided I had no reason to go to school then so I dropped by FootLocker and picked up my shoes.

The rest of the day was spent with the Pauls and Zack and then during the game the Pauls left us for greaner places. To replace the Pauls we got togethor with Katrina, the hurricane, and Hollie which was bad luck for Amherst. I lost my spot in the student section so like a dork I had to hang out down on the ground. Caples is the man getting that pen but overall the game just got stupider and stupider. As soon as the fours went up the bad luck left and we started our comeback. You know the outcome so I will leave it at that.

Rest of the night was spent with one of the best movies of the year. John put it best saying, "i feel like a worser person after watching that movie," I think thats what he said but I was already asleep. Who knows, anything. With this I can say "LETS PLAY BASKETBALL" and be done with a dissappointing football season.

Jerry Maguire: Do you want this jacket? I don't need it. I'm cloaked in failure!
Jerry Maguire

Sunday, October 16, 2005

History and The Decemberists

Had a very nice week. Short week of school for us public school kids while others got to have the holy wars and one of those holy places was special enough to have Don Cheadle come by and give a nice speech. But, i was at home enjoying my day after some nice winnings in poker the night before. By now all have learned i have the best poker style in the world, its called being lucky. I add to it by almost calling anything. Many say that the way i play is bull and i am a terrible player but i do not want to miss a flop just like my boy Sammy. Friday's homecoming came with an impressive win of 44-0. Saturday came with some early morning work but i got to hit up A History Of Voilence;

Secont best movie i have seen this year right behind Oldboy. This movie had everything you need. Mortenson is the biggest badass ever now with Hildago and this backing it up. Please support this movie. It has sex, voilence, suspense, killing and really nice shots of the aftermath, and a very nice stair scene that totally did not fit anything.

After that it just got better. I am in a battle that im not going to win anytime soon with Marcy and i see no change in that at all. Constant bickering between the two of us while Cass Mccombs owned the stage. Very awsome performance to me. I tryed to get us a beer but the guy was just not feeling me. The Decemberists came and took over the stage. They played every song i wanted including The Chimney Sweep which was amazing. It was better to me then The Mariners Revenge but that was just as cool. The Decemberists were amazing except for some periods in the early part of the show that i felt were not needed and just way to long of them just playing. During The Chimney Sweep the playing was amazing but the part im talking about was just a bunch of noise. Great show all in and all and great week all in all.

: Warriors, come out to play-i-ay.
The Warriors

Sunday, October 09, 2005


The tour of the year for sure. Nothing compares to seeing Weezer and the Foo Fighers live. The day was incredible. It didnt go the way i exspected but it went just fine. I woke up and did some work around the house and listened to some music. I spend alot of time listening to music now and i can`t wait for the ipod video that i believe to be announced on the 12th of october. I dont think i will be able to pick it up till christmas but im going to make a push at recieving it earlier. I really need a 40 or even 60 gig media player. Currently im at about 2600 tracks but im getting away from the point. After hours of waiting for Joe he finally arrived. We went rolling to Cleveland in a pimped out car with spinners after a short pit stop to collect on my winnings of poker we were off. We were all hungry and found our way to the crown king of good burgers, White Castle. After me and john whoofed 5 down each and had a nice convo about random shit we were off again. We found the Convo Center on our first try that caused us to be way to early. We decided to walk around and found our way to Panini`s which is an awsome pizza place that i have none about forever. They have awsome sandwiches but i just stuck with the pizza. After walking around in the rain for some time we found a set for something that looked pretty cool. We have no idea what they were filming for but the road was full of old timey cars and old timey people in old timey clothes. We found our way to a Starbucks where we all had Orange Mocha Frapachinos. Once again I ran into someone commenting on Amherst in Cleveland with my sweat shirt on. Which leads me to the concert.

Kaiser Chiefs opened which are Mercury Award winners which is very big deal across the pond. They were incredible. The set was just amazing. WE ARE KAISER CHIEFS he kept chanting and he really got me warmed up.

Second, Weezer tore it up. They were amazing. I really don`t know what to say about them because they were that good.

Third, the Foo Fighters were amazing. They were incredible. I really do not care what anyone else says but they made the concert for me. Their show was amazing. Everything about it was incredible. I thought Weezer was amazing but to me the Foo Fighters were 10x better, thats how good they are. If you think they are just an alternative rock band you are dead wrong. In concert they sound like a grunge band ready to beat the shit out of you. I have never heard a drummer that good before. I could go on forever but i will stop at that. Next time they come to town I will be at Ticketmaster purchasing my tickets the day they go on sale and will be on that floor pumped and ready to go.

[after dropping through the ceiling on a rope and killing nine mobsters]
Connor: Well, "Name one thing you're gonna need this stupid fucking rope for."
Murphy: That was way easier than I thought it would be.
Connor: Aye.
Murphy: On TV you always have that guy that jumps over the sofa...
Connor: And then you've got to shoot at him for ten fucking minutes.
Murphy: We're good.
Connor: Yes, we are.
Boondock Saints

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Best Day In A While

Well a few weeks back i entered a contest on The Decemerists website for a chance to win tickets to their concert that was happening in cleveland. I initally had plans to go to this concert but after Joe deciding to take me to the weezer concert i changed my mind to not go. Well, from what i understand Zack had scrapped his plans on going also until this awsome day when i got a email from The Decembrists saying that i had won two tickets to the concert. I just have to go to will call and pick them up. I had to reread the email a few times just to make sure that they were not screwing with me but from what i can tell i had just won two tickets. I think this alone was worth a blog entry and while i was writing this a fly flew up my nose and im not even kidding about that.

Mr. Pink: How about if I'm Mr. Purple? That sounds good to me, I'll be Mr. Purple.
Joe: You're not Mr. Purple. Some guy on some other job is Mr. Purple. You're Mr. Pink!
Mr. White: Who cares what your name is?
Mr. Pink: Yeah that's easy for you to say, you're Mr. White, you have a cool sounding name. All right look if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, do you wanna trade?

Reservoir Dogs

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Nintendo Fusion

Five bands on one stage in cleveland. Three of those bands were sweet to me, one i just don`t get why people like them, and the first band that played i was actually really digging. To start this day i had to go to work and talk about stupid shit. It was so wortheless and it accomplished nothing. To overcome this tragic event of a meeting we went to the castle where i got the best thing in the world called a super burrito. It was excellant as usuall. After that bull shit we headed to cleveland to see an event. We got there and got to play some zelda. I didnt find it to be that exciting but ill wait and see if it will be worth the purchase of a cube. The first band Panic! At The Disco played first and i actually really liked their set. It was pretty good. The second band played and was really good to me. I love Boys Night Out and I think everyone should give them a shot. They have a nice blend of styles. The thing that sucked is the amount of emotion in the crowd for these two bands. Nothing fuckin happened. This all changed witht the beginning of the best set ever. Motion City Soundtrack took the stage and owned all. I got up close to the front and went fuckin crazy. It was so fuckin incredible that i will say it again, later. Zack and John went crowd surfing with some bad results for both of them. Zack almost died because no one fuckin kept him going. He almost slammed his fuckin head into the ground but that was nothing compared to John. No offense but the dumbass wore flip flops. Not smart. His toe is one of the nastiest things i have seen up close. It was black and just gross looking. He also lost his wallet but somebody he knew found it. That is incredibly lucky and the chances of that happening are astronomically high. So high i couldnt even count that high. The starting line is overated and just not great. During the set i was supposed to get a kid water but ending up throwing up in it for some reason. I attribute that to the baddness of the starting line. Fall Out Boy was last but not the least. They werent the best but one of the nicest bands i have ever seen. "its getting rough out there. if you see someone fall down pick them up..." Overall they were descent and the concert was finished very nicely. Hmm, I also saw Dana Beal and she was nice to me, go figure.

Barry: Holy shite. What the fuck is that?
Dick: It's the new Belle and Sebastian...
Rob: It's a record we've been listening to and enjoying, Barry.
Barry: Well, that's unfortunate, because it sucks ass.
High Fidelity

This quote is in no way funny but i love belle and sebastian and think its hilarious that a indie band like them who didn`t even wont to be big got mentioned in a movie.