Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Sporting Life

This week was full or awsome events for Ohio sports. Friday, things got shot right out of a cannon with both the Cavs winning and Avon Lake losing. Basketball was good on Friday and can be seen in an earlier post. Saturday started off with another morning of wondering where R.C was out again. Once again, I showed up but where did he go. We handled everything they threw at us as a team and on the day held both teams to under 10 points a quater. I caught a few winks right after that and a shower just in time for the big game. The big game was spent at my house with Joe, Ryan, Zack, and Hols. The game was amazing. The outcome was amazing. The other game I cared about on the day was the "Battle for the Commen Wealth Cup" which is UVA vs Va Tech. The game was a blowout. Marcus will be amazing in the NFL. I saw a pretty sweet movie in the afternoon and then caught some dinner at Texas Roadhouse. After that I really don't remember what happened to the rest of my night except for the Cavs winning, again. I got a few winks in after some awsome big money poker for 1$ and that was Saturday. Sunday was wortheless as it is always cause I have to work for most of it.

Jim: You gotta have presence on the court. Presence like a cheetah rather than a chimp. Sure, they both got it, but Chimpy gotta jump his nuts around to get it. The shy cheetah moves with total nonchalance, stickin' it to them in his sexy, slow strut. Me? I play like a cheetah.
Basketball Diaries
Gillum would say this.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Basketball Is War

I finally got into a practice yesterday and it was not a good one. I have come to hate the person who decided it would be a good idea to put lines on the basketball court. I don't know which is worse, running the lines or diving to a line to make the time and having to run again anyways. Basketball is war. There is no sport with the amount of cheapshots that basketball has. People will go out of the way to hit you when a ref is not looking. The sport started out as a sport with no contact at all. What has happened to the days when if you touched somebody or handchecked you were immediatly called for a foul. Personally, I do not care. I hold on to everyone because if I didn't I would suck. I have to be one of the slowest gaurds in the SWC but I am problaby one of the best defenders in the conference. I believe in my defensive abilities so much that I know I can stop anybody. Put me on a Hero and I will do everything in my power to shut that kid down.

Friday-Medina and Mount Vernon
My play started out slow just coming back from all that sick time and injury time. My first game I was just trying to fit in and lead the team. Well after the first game of lack luster offense from everybody and me playing incredibly bad in the second game with 3 turnovers, I knew I need to kick it up a notch. Third game I took over for our offensive production. I scored every point of our teams in the quater and that was good enough to top the other team. I did make Amherst sports look really bad though. In the 5th game I caught an outlet pass and as soon as I caught it somebody dove at my legs and took me out. On the way down I had time to yell a very loud four letter word. The whole gym got silent and I walked off the court extremely fast. Overall, the defense was amazing and Gillum told me I have found my way back into the player I was a month ago and welcomed me back. Ryan, where were you? I showed up. On the way home one of the funniest moments in my life took place. We were talking about chinese food and I began talking about what makes good rice. Chonko looks at me and says "Doesn't rice come from cocunuts?" He was totally serious. Dumbest comment I have ever heard.

Saturday Admiral King and Fairview
We played well! !

Jesus Shuttlesworth: Basketball is like poetry in motion, cross the guy to the left, take him back to the right, he's fallin' back, then just J right in his face. Then you look at him and say, "What?"
He Got Game

Monday, November 14, 2005

My Lifesaver Did This

Over the past few days I have realised that Ryan is the only friend I have that would save my life. Not taking anything from you other kids but in all out honesty not one of you would put your lifes at risk for anyone but yourselves or your immediate family. After the bronk I have finally made my way back to the court. Not a great practice but not a bad one but then I found the sudden urge to fucking steal the ball anytime somebody was fucking playing weak. I pressured the kid and he fucking comes back at me with a big ass elbow. I continue to play knowing that something isnt right but I didn't care. He stops playing and says "are we still playing?" Well, im bleeding gallons of blood everywhere and It really didnt hurt until I found my way into the trainers room. I got ahold of my dad and we made our way right down the street to Amherst E.R.

The secont part of my journey had a jewish doctor who was fucking amazing. He told me my life was way to stressed and I needed to calm down. He started on the procedures and goes to me half way throught that he lost count of how many stiches he put in, that bad. He ended it and recomended if I didnt like what he did go to a plastic surgeon. Looking at these pics I look like somebody on Nip Tuck. The surgery was the coolest feeling ever though. Just think your lip being numb and cold metal sliding through it. The gash in it was about 3cm and it went all the way through. He told me if R.C hit me any harder i would have lost a section of my lip. Well, read the comments in the other entry and thanks for looking at this ugly face. Maybe I do need that plastic surgeon.

Cotton McKnight: In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks. But it looks like Peter La Fleur has actually blindfolded himself.
Pepper Brooks: He will not be able to see very well, Cotton.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Deep Thinking

When you are sick and tripping on vicadin you think about a lot of things that you have never thought before. Last Saturday I questioned alot of things but after looking back on that night I had another pass at them during a conversation over the internet with somebody that people who read this do not need to know(please keep what i said on the dl.) Religion is the most overrated thing in the world. I believe in a god and believe that someone is somewhere making my life a tad harder for me but what churches teach is true bull. Today, Max told me I got kicked out of Phych. when nothing even close to that happened. I was yelled at for sleeping. Being sick he later understood. But the fact remains that in the matter of one day the story had changed that much. So how could religion not change in the matter of thousands of years? I believe religion to be a way of putting meaning to our lives and just not accepting the fact that we are just on this world to live out something pointless and try to leave some kind of mark, most do not. Our lives our pretty pointless also. We do meaningless things every day. I play basketball and it has come to my mind that in no way 10 years from now will this ever help me. The things I do for fun have no purpose either. I play football or a shooting game on video game console. Now if you can think of one way how that will make me a better person or help me in the future I congradulate you and hopefully you let me in on it. I have very few friends that I think I will talk to after high school and out of all of them I only know of one of them that would save my life if it was ever threatened. I thank him for this and this person usually does not read my blog but I will thank him anyways. Millions of things rushing through my mind and I don't know if I'm crazy, the Z-Pack, or a combo. Thanks for reading this pointless post but I wanted a record of the day I questioned alot of things.

Gretchen: You're weird.
Donnie: Sorry.
Gretchen: No, that was a compliment.
Donnie Darko

Monday, November 07, 2005

No Idea What To Write About

This weekend was terrible. I saw Jarhead Friday and it was a very good. Not as good as others are making it out to be, but none the less very good. The left side of the theatre is always cooler then the left. Ryan I love you for that special call you gave me. Thanks again. Saturday was boring as hell with nothing exciting happened all day. I have lost poker credibility so I am gonna stop playing for a little while. I need something to fill this void. Lets see, I got no sleep what so ever Saturday night with me pondering things that most humans don't think about until its nearing the end. Does religion matter? What happens after your gone? Will I ever reach Serenity? Deep thoughts. Sunday was boring as hell. I woke up late because i got no sleep at all. I had to go to work and was exspecting to be there for 3 hours but was instead watching kids swim for 6 hours. I had to calmly tell a coach to settle down and tell her when people are under water they can not hear you. Sunday night was more bluh. I missed Chicken Little but I believe I am going Friday, who knows though. Lets see, this is short and basketball has started so I am already tired. Anything else going on in my life?

Frank: The only Valentine's Day cards I get are from my mother. How pathetic is that?
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Christopher Dillon's Cred Awards Novembor 05

Cred Awards 05'

I have decided while being bored and talking to Zack to hold my first ever Cred Awards. This will grow into a thing much more wanted then some dumb moonman over time, you wait and see. Everyone wants my Cred so ill get it started.

Best Known Artist(popular artists)
Dave Matthews Band is hands down one of the biggest bands of the 90's and have the musical talent to back it up. The way songs are put togethor are amazing and the live albums they have released put many jam bands to shame. Virginia native Dave Matthews desserves some Cred with some Ants Marching.

Foo Fighters-Awsome grunge band, don't argue with that unless you have seem them live.
Coldplay-Biggest band on the face of the planet at the moment.
Kanye West-President Bush hates black people!

Most Overplayed Song
Falloutboy-Sugar, We're Go'in Down Swingin
This song so way to much airtime in 05. They are not even sweet in concert. I do not understand the hype that they get in the emo kid world. Pretty good album but this song just takes the cake as bad news. Video did not help at all.

Gorillaz-Feel Good, Inc
Kelly Clarkson-Since You Been Gone
Kanye West-Golddigger

Worst Artist Ever
I do not understand Crunk, its rap thats yells the same words over and over. Thats why I do not get this guy at all. At least NAS or Jay-Z rap about something. WHAT? HUH? YEAH! can you say something else for the love of god Lil Jon in any of your songs. My 8 your old sister could write a better rap song. Your hooks are bad news. You desserve no Cred.

Limp Biscuit and CrazyTown are Rock-Rap, nuff said.
Eddie Murphy wants to party all the time. If you understand this you need a medal of honor.

Person or Persons Who Gets Tons Of Cred
Guster and the Gorillaz are amazing bands with nothing in common but the fact they make good music. Both are incredible and need everyones attention.

Best Song
Belle and Sebastian-Like Dylan In the Movies
This song is amazing. If it would have been spelt like my name I would be in dropping out of school right now and heading for New York right now to become an actor. Lucky for me they spelt it wrong so I can get a good job and not some bum in NYC. Just listen to this song and you will think of me.

Guster-Come Down Stairs And Say Hello
I apoligise to george but i could not get this song over the top of the belle. I played both over and over and still couldn't find a way to move it in front.
Belle and Sebastian-If Your Feeling Sinister
This song got me into indie music. This song has changed my life and my musical taste but its not my even my favorite song on the record. I forsee a best artist coming.
My Mourning Jacket-Off The Record
Know one in Amherst knows about this band but me and thats the way I like it. I switch songs alot but when i click this song I am able to stick to it without ever changing it. I love it and it loves the fact that i love it, off the record of course.

Best Album
The Postal Service-Give Up
You may wonder why they have never been mentioned anywhere else in this blog but not one song on this record is better then any other, this is a good thing. Every song is amazing and could be a single on any college radio station in the nation. Anything Death Cab touches is gold and so I hope to be touched by them.

Belle And Sebastain-If Your Feeling Sinaster
This record made me an indie kid. I will never look back.
The Arcade Fire-Funeral
Created a style that is trying to be copied by veterens of the indie pop genre. With those lights out in the neighborhood they are one of the biggest bands in Canada.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah-Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Indie that weird people make fun of. Sounds like a guy talking at the fair. CLAP YOUR HANDS for this New York indie band. This record has run many Lorain kids out of the pool when I want to leave early because its just way to cool for them.

Best Artists
Belle And Sebastian-No one in the world compares to the greatness of this band. The band was scared of becoming big so instead of playing gigs at concert halls they played at cofee shops, parties, and librarys. I wish for a birthday that Belle and Sebastain would show up for.

Franz Ferdinand
Hot Hot Heat
Bloc Party

Bands You Need To Listen
Boys Night Out
Catch 22
And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Of Montreal
Panic! At The Disco
Maximo Park
The Magical Numbers
The Dead 60`s
The Decemberists
The Faint
Wolf Parade
Nada Surf
Gavin Degraw
The Stills
The Faint
Circa Survive
And Till Next Time...