Indie Rock owns me and about everything else. Unlike most musical people, I play a sport and love sports. Im an indie kid but I am a music lover in general. Rap, punk, metal, hardcore, post-hardcore, indie pop, chamber pop, twee pop, and even emo, i like it all. Movies is the secont love which tons of my hard earned cash goes. One day I will have a room for my movie collection. Enough said. Enjoy my life as much as I wish I had yours if its better.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Really Don't Expect Anybody To Read This...

So, I just got bored while watching American's Most Smartest Model to see my boy Andre win hopefully. I would like to say that this thing is pretty darn stupid. I have no idea why I'm posting but this day will forever be known as the day it snowed a ton and the Browns won. I guess I will talk about a few things just to kinda have a journal for the coming months.

I saw what I believe to be an academy award winning movie in No Children For Old Men. The movie had a silenced shotgun, have you ever seen one of these before? I have not. If I was an assassin and was associated with something I would hope it was something as cool as a silence shotgun. A movie with no score is something difficult to pull off but I really feel that the Brothers pulled this off quite well.

I guess I decided to this because for some reason I looked at my facebook and saw I have not updated this forever. I hope kandrak will get accepted so I have a roommate next year at Kent so best of luck to that guy. I'm sure Kandy will invite all of you to our apartment if he does get accepted. I'm tired of typing so I guess I'm done.

I always concluded with a movie quote and this one will be no different. Movies are sill the best thing in the world and the writers strike needs to end so people can get back to work in television as well.

Raoul Duke
: The store was closed, but the salesman said he could wait if we hurry. But we were delayed en route when a stingray in front of us killed a pedestrian.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Friday, June 23, 2006

I'm Back

Okay, so I have decided to start posting again for some reason. Its been a long time since I have done this and I could say a ton of stuff but I don't think I will. I find myself sitting at places alot now with Kandy and Beal talking about highschool and all the great stories. Kandy loves to tell how he broke Rachel Muir's ankle which is one of my favorites and Beal just has so many. I remember when Mr. Richardson dropped the bowling ball on my foot or that ghetto girl who didn't want to eat D so she went to lunch A every day instead in Gallogher. I once made Mazur cry which is a highlight of my highschool career.

I got a new job in April cleaning cars for about 7.50 an hour. Right now after that guy I hate tripped and broke his wrist I'm working almost 50 hours a week so my paychecks are amazing. Jack Matia Honda is the best place to work and the dudes I work with are fricken awsome except for the wrist guy.

In the life of Jim there is a new mistress. I met her the other day and she seems pretty nice. Jim is still never wearing a shirt and I'm sure he will have skin cancer in the coming months. He doesn't get me watching soccer when it is on tv either and makes fun of me.

I think I drank to much at Naso's party because according to Joe and Jourdan I almost threw her into the fire, twice. I did have a good time that night and had a load to drink. Zack's grad party ended up being me and Ryan dominating the Pauls in a game of two on two with flip flops on. Did I mention the flip flops. Ryan's was also fun with some football.

I love you so much and this blog is short and sweet and over.

Uncle Hank: Ass to ass.
Requiem For A Dream

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Friday April 7, 2006-Guster For The First Time

Friday was a pretty awsome day. I don't remember what happened up to the point of the concert and I'm sure its not important except for me exploding an orange juice after something really sweet came to my mind. I could have just cured cancer or something but that orange juice exploded everywhere on the floor so the world will never know. After some problems with getting five people togethor we got into a tiny Ford Tempo and made our way to JSAYU(my name for it.) We went through an area where we thought we were going to be shot for sure and then to some really big mother fucking homes. We got lost for a little and in anger Max through the directions out the window which wasn't to smart for future use on the way home. We found the place finally and we got inside and found out that Zack and I were on the floor while Ryan, Max, and Drew were balcony Bitches(nothing against you.) Andrew Bird was amazing. He's incredible to me. He has a ton of talent and all you bitches just don't understand. I loved every minute of his performance. Except for Ginger Snaps or Ginger who came barging up to the front and trying to start a clap to get Andrew off the stage. It was so annoying and he kept clapping on this girls head so after about 2 minutes of his shit I look at him and go "No one here thinks your sweet. Stop clapping." He like "no dude, its cool." I'm like "no, none of these girls think your sweet with your clapping and your hitting that little girl in front of you in the head." He finally stops clapping but then he keeps touching this girl in front of me who me and Zack have named "Jenna." She looks at this kid and goes "if you touch me one fucking more time I'm blasting you in the face." So fucking funny. Then Zack had to deal with this big bearded kid who he has dubbed "Space Invader." You know your at a concert when your confort level has reached zero. Ryan is still a concert virgin because he was way up in the stands sitting confortable, sorry kiddo. Guster comes on and it was pretty fanfuckingtastic. I think I expected more of them but I believe that Zack built them up on a Pedestal that no matter how well they performed they couldn't reach the top. No encore was a bitch even though everyone heard them say "after the encore." Well, Jakes was having FREE 5$ Pizza And Wings but we were not able to find it so we settled at Roscos and had some pretty good chow for a very good price because our server spoke like 3 words of english. Finally getting home and having an awsome concert hangover ended the experience.

[first lines]
Rob: What came first, the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns, or watching violent videos, that some sort of culture of violence will take them over. Nobody worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, rejection, pain, misery and loss. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?
High Fidelity

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

At This Point I Only Think One Person Reads This

So I'm pretty positive about one person reads this but at this point I'm doing this for myself. I went to another concert on Friday and I would say its the most amazing concert I have ever been to. The first band which was The Ponys was extremely good. Nothing spectacular but it was entertaining none the less. The second band which me and Max just figured didn't show up was two guys rocking out in leather cowboy outfits and it was pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever seen. I have no idea why and I'm in no way gay for these guys because Max pretty much thinks the same thing I do about this band. Its impossible to explain but I know next time they are in Cleveland or anywhere near I will have to hit that concert up. ONE, TWO, THREE, EIGHT, NINE, EIGHT THIS IS THE WAY WE CELEBRATE. The last act was Art Brut which is one of my favorite new bands. There show was extremely good. I was so pumped after this concert that I felt like just getting a guitar and forming a twee ass band called "Custard's Last Stand." Well, actually its already formed but we have yet to do anything with it. Great name but I'm gonna have to say Vince's band has the best name ever in "Hong Kong Police Force." Well thats it for now but I just watched About A Boy which is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I will have to purchase this movie like in the next week cause I have to watch it again.

Will: I'd be the worst possible Godfather. I'd probably drop her on her head at her christening. I'd forget all her birthdays until she was 18. Then I'd take her out and get her drunk. And, let's face it, quite possibly try and shag her.
About A Boy

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Concert Is Sold Out

"The concert is sold out so you might as well leave if you don't have a ticket. Don't cry or slit your wrist or anything, just leave. Go home and write a blog about it." BoysNightOut and Armor For Sleep were amazing and thats really about all I saw. I caught the end of the Chicodas set which was better then I thought it would be. Not much happened at the concert but before the concert Max thought a guy wanted to shake his hand but was really asking for money. The problem with that is Max shook his hand and it was a glove on a claw which was fricken hilarious to me. I almost got into a fight with this jacket wearing faggot but it didn't happen. He then went on to light up a blunt right in front of us. After the concert was bathroom finding time which took forever. I had to go for about 4 and half hours but luckily for us we finally found White Castle and they never close the inside. That led to the purchase of the single grossest thing I will eat without complaing which is a burger from White Castle. They are so gross but oh so good. Short blogs are easier for me to write so this is the new wave of the future, I think.

Sgt. Siek: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother fucker in the valley

Monday, February 27, 2006

Basketball is fun, I think.

Basketball is almost over and I have finally found out what I should have been doing all season on that stupid court. All I have to do is take the stupid ball and dribble it once or twice and for some reason I can get down into the paint any time I want with little to no resistence. My only enemy is 6'8 kids from West Virginia sitting down in the paint waiting for me and sticking his big claw up in the air and swatting the shit out of me without jumping. I wish I had known this earlier in the season but its better later then never. I lost my job at the Y but I have got a new one now at Jack Matia Honda. I have no idea what im doing but I'm pumped. It looks like I'm getting a Civic also which I'm also pumped about. Its still up in there air but im getting an LX Coupe or Sedan and if i get the sedan I will get auto but if I get the coupe I think I will get manual. Nothing else in my life is that special at the moment except for the Boys Night Out concert and the upcoming shows. I really want to go to Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Eisley, Minus The Bear/Thursday, and Taking Back Sunday. I have a ticket to The Strokes which I'm also pumped about.

Derek Vinyard: One in every three black males is in some phase of the correctional system. Is that a coincidence or do these people have, you know, like a racial commitment to crime?
American History X

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Everything Is Better...

Everything is better coming off a victory and everything is in a positive light except for whats happening to me on the parent front with college. But the second victory of the season has come. Our boy Andrew Beire has seemed to leave us high and dry and Claw has now left us for some time off like I did. But I came back strong and hopefully you can too. Against the beast of a team that was Lincoln West Ryan and I dropped it likes its hot. I almost got a tech in the 3rd quater and the game was sweet as fucking your friends sister. Hmm, thats sweet but my movie choices have dramiticly dropped off. I have seen two movies that I hate to even say I saw but I feel the need to. The first time I was planning on seeing the beautiful movie called Hostel but some of us that were in my company like my beautiful girlfriend who also was the only person in my company wasn't 17 and the ticket seller was a bitch. She didn't want to see it anyways and the choices were to a miminum cause I had seen almost every movie on the board already. We ended up at Memoirs Of A Geisha. It wasn't as bad as i exspected but was in no way good. The premise was terrible. The second movie I had to hit that wasn't at the top of my choices was Tristan and Isolde. This wasn't as bitchy of a move because I had a reason to go to this one because it was her birthday so I had to say yes. It was okay because of the amount of action they put in it to cover up the sappy stupid love story. And then worste of all of it comes with the news of my parents getting ready to sue each other. My dad is gonna win and I don't see why my mom won't just give up but she is holding her ground. The worst part is I have to hit up community for a year or two like a dork but I promise to be at your college at least once a month if not more. Get those poker games ready for me because I'll be at your dorm ready to take your new friends chips.

Mike McDermott: In "Confessions of a Winning Poker Player," Jack King said, "Few players recall big pots they have won, strange as it seems, but every player can remember with remarkable accuracy the outstanding tough beats of his career." It seems true to me, cause walking in here, I can hardly remember how I built my bankroll, but I can't stop thinking about the way I lost it.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Three Movies

Been having troubles updating this bad boy of late so it hasn't gotten very much attention. In the past week I have seen quite alot of movies in theatres and at home. The three I saw in theatres were Narnia, The Producers, and Munich and here are some reviews.

The Producers is an extremely funny movie. The cast was so amazing. Nathan Lane and Ferris Bueller should both get some kind of nominations for the roles they played. Wil Ferrel was also amazing as usuall. Him being a nazi was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. I recomend this movie to anyone. I thought it would be incredibly stupid it being a musical but its not.

Narnia was a very good imaginative peice of work. I have never read the books but have always heard good things. A few things just don't make sence to me like Santa Claus showing up out of nowhere and giving the kids weapons to kill things with. Overall the movie was very good and I would recomend it to anyone again.

Munich was everything I expected it to be. Steven would not take a side in the whole affair politically in saying who was right and who was wrong. The whole movie you couldn't decide what kind of movie it was either. The sex scene is one of the weirdest things I have seen in a moive in a while. Movies that are this epic have to change something in your thoughts of the issue or confirm them. This movie does not do that at all and it not being that entertaining makes it a very subpar movie. I did not leave the theatre with any different thoughts at all. After leaving the theatre we discussed that in 10 years all girls are going to be lesbians so this movie did nothing for me and problaby the people I was with.

Mr. Blonde: Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, to torture a cop. You can say anything you want cause I've heard it all before. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you ain't gonna get.
[He removes his razor]
Mr. Blonde: You ever listen to K-Billy's "Super Sounds of the Seventies" weekend? It's my personal favorite.
Reservoir Dogs

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Weirdest Dream I Have Ever Remembered

Okay, last night I had the weirdest dream I can ever remember. I got up this morning after it was over and reflected on it for about 25 minutes. I don't dream often but this one if full of references to movies and alot of other stuff. So here it is;

The dream begins with me sleeping in which seems to be a hotel in the middle of the woods in the summer. A dog keeps barking over and over and I finally got mad enough to find out what it was all about. I find a big man on the porch reading a newspaper and the dog right next to him barking up a storm. By the attire I and the other man is wearing it seems like about the 1890`s. I ask the man to calm his dog down and the man strikes up a fight with me. We both pull out guns and we try to shoot each other. Suddenly a blind man shows up and helps in my fight against him. I finally end up getting a few shots of my gun and the man drops like a ton of bricks. The blind man tells me to find the hotel manager which is not very hard because of the size of the hotel. I find her in her room sleeping. She comes to the door in a bathrobe and I tell her everything that happens. I tell her that it was the man reading the newspaper and for some reason she seems pleased of what happens. She tells me to go to sleep. The next morning I wake up and the blind man seems to be missing. I guess I am now a hero but the old man has disappeared. The town offers me everything I can and offers me a spot in their private school. Then there is a very large reward for killing this man for some reason.

This is where the dream makes its switches. All my dreams always seem to have some kind of intermission and continue but something is different then it was before. We are now back in the present.

The next part of this dream is me going to this school. Everybody at the school was rich and kids gambled on everything. No one ever went to class and everyone loved to prank people. I remember finding this kid sleeping and me and another fellow picked him up and found the boom boom room (pool table room.) We put him in a very large case and closed it on him. After he woke up and the prank was over we started to play pool. The scene became almost exactly like Poolhall Junkies and gambling was everywhere. I ended up in a game with Al Pachino somehow and ended up beating him. He wouldn't pay but challenged me to a game of two on two bball. I decided to have a school wide tournament with a 3k dollar entry fee. Then my search began for my teammate. I went around looking for the kid I called "Dirk" because he was about 7'1 and looked just like him. I found him in a mall after screaming Dirk for about 10 minutes. After much persuasion and telling him I would take care of all his expenses and give him half the winnings. We went to his house where he told his mom he needed new bball shoes. I told his mom I would pay for them and she seemed to get quite perturbed and was extremely mad at me. I pulled out my wallet and when she saw what was in it she stopped argueing. I looked through and found that I had about 3k in 100's in it. Then I looked in my pocket and found that I had a rubberband of 20's that was at least 4k. After this it gets fuzzy. I remember playing in this tourney and prize being almost 115k. I don't really know if I won or lost but I do know that I made the finals. I remember asking "Dirk" for his number also and he told me 212-330-743-5848. He combined two phone numbers and then he never corrected it. It was extremely weird.

This dream is not all that weird but the details I remember is what I find amazing. I have never done anything like this before when I dream with these kind of details.

Donnie: [to his mother] How's it feel to have a wacko for a son?
Rose Darko: It feels wonderful.
Donnie Darko

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Is Overrated

Christmas Eve is the most overrated day of the year. When you were little all you wanted to do was go to sleep so the magical day came sooner. Now when your older, you just want to get the day over so you can get through the next day faster. As you can see, Christmas is not my favorite holiday of the year. About half way through Christmas every year of my life I was bored out of my mind. None of your friends can ever do anything and no one in my family or extended family was ever my age so I would never have anything to do but watch people cook and when no one was looking steal some turkey. Also, one of the many things I hate is Christmas music. It is the most annoying thing in the world. Bunch of people who sing songs that have been sang a million times before by about a million other better singers. Hanging out with family is twee though but I will be spending my Christmas sleeping the whole twee day. Nothing exciting happened this week but I did however eclipse the four thousand song mark on my computer.

Top 15 0f 05
1. Sufjan Stevens-Illinois
2. Bright Eyes-Digital Ash
3. The Decemberists-Pisc
4. Spoon-Gimme Fiction
5. The National-Alligator
6. Keane-Hopes And Fears
7. The Futureheads-The Futureheads
8. Bloc Party-Silent Alarm
9. Bright Eyes-Im Wide Awake
10. Ryan Adams-29
11. Of Montreal-Sundalic Twins
12. The Boy Least Likely Too-Best Party Ever
13. Stereophonics-Language Sex Violence Other
14. Kanye West-Late Registration
15. The Go-Team-Panther

I don't hate Christmas but maybe if I didn't get the main thing I wanted this year I would like it more. Have a merry christmas and hello and goodbye.

Ralphie as Adult: My father worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium, a master.
Christmas Story

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Cold Weather In Sandals Is Always A Laugh

My new thing is being to lazy to put a pair of sox on, then shoes, and then after all that tie my shoes. Putting on sandals and sticking out the cold is a much better idea. What has happened in this wonderful week? Nothing at all. Christmas approaches and all I want to do is visit my mom and see the brothers and sisters. Family is what its really all about. Saw King Kong and it does not compare to the classic that is the original. I can't put my finger on it though but I found the beast and the beauty thing to be a little stupid. Walk the Line was okay. I didn't like Ray and this was Ray with a white guy. Big fan of Phoniex and Cash but I didn't find it to be in anyway awsome. Trainspotting is the best movie I have seen in at least a month. It has scared me away from experimenting with anything with a needle involved. This has to be the worst entry ever but this week was not awsome in anyways. Sledding to school is always fun kids.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: Thank you, your honor. With God's help I'll conquer this terrible affliction.

Mark "Rent-boy" Renton: We would have injected vitamin C if only they had made it illegal!
Two favorite quotes from the movie.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Its been a long time, a very long time.

Yes, I'm finally posting a new entry for all of you basketball players who find reading into my mind to be extremely hilarious for some reason. Ryan for some reason finds new humor in anything that goes into this blog but he usually knows within the day what happened. The past two weekends have been not so good so here they are with some stuff in the middle.

Friday happened with nothing doing. Others did things that I was informed of but not part of for good reason. Saturday came and went with very little doing. Wait, I lied. On Saturday my dad told me he would buy me my Ipod video for Christmas. We went out to dinner and then the goal of the day was screwed up by my dad. So, later in the day Joe, Zack, and Occonner come by my house to bring me an extremely large dill pickle. No idea why or where that thing went but it was an extremely weird gift. We decided to go to BestBuy and go buy my Ipod but somebody sold the very one that was being held for me. Usually "hold" means hold. The employee, who was a former Amherst graduate, told me that they had 20 still in Avon. With that info we rushed to the car. We all hopped in and with the movement of a stick the car was gone. We just kept going back and ended up hitting a very large pole. My first car accident and it was not cool at all. The whiplash was incredible and we problaby only hit the pole going about 15mph. The backwindow got owned and so did the bed of the truck. First thing said after the accident by Occonner "I guess were not getting your ipod video." The day ended and the next began. After work Ryan and I found our way to North Olmstead to buy my ipod video, High Fidelity, and Jacky Brown. Good way to spend $349.44 in 7 minutes. We saw E.C verse Columbia and Southview and Admiral King do battle at E.C to end the night.

Nothing happened the whole week but me telling Aaron Mckinney that everyone he calls to hang out on the weekends with are not his friends and that no one answers their phones for a reason. I think he almost cried and I shut him up for like 10 minutes so that made my week. People have wanted to say what I said to him for at least two months when I made them see the light about him and his constant annoyingness.

Weekend came and went extremely fast. Saw Clearview get handled at Vermillion on Friday to open the first week of high school basketball. Saturday was a lazy day of getting ready for the game of all games that ended up being the a night I would like to forget. Shutting #21 down was not possible. He did it all. Sunday came and we had a nice dinner with the coaches. I do not think I have laughed so much in my entire life. The dog that never moved, the torture devices, somebody stealing all the juices, the basket I knocked over, and everything else.

This blog was long overdue and I hope Jacs, Coopa, and Claw enjoy it.

Ordell Robbie: Now that there is the Tec-9, a crappy spray gun from South Miami. This gun is advertised as the most popular gun in American crime. Do you believe that shit? It actually says that in the little book that comes with it: the most popular gun in American crime. Like they're actually proud of that shit.
Jackie Brown

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Did you see that? If you were at Best Buy you did.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Sporting Life

This week was full or awsome events for Ohio sports. Friday, things got shot right out of a cannon with both the Cavs winning and Avon Lake losing. Basketball was good on Friday and can be seen in an earlier post. Saturday started off with another morning of wondering where R.C was out again. Once again, I showed up but where did he go. We handled everything they threw at us as a team and on the day held both teams to under 10 points a quater. I caught a few winks right after that and a shower just in time for the big game. The big game was spent at my house with Joe, Ryan, Zack, and Hols. The game was amazing. The outcome was amazing. The other game I cared about on the day was the "Battle for the Commen Wealth Cup" which is UVA vs Va Tech. The game was a blowout. Marcus will be amazing in the NFL. I saw a pretty sweet movie in the afternoon and then caught some dinner at Texas Roadhouse. After that I really don't remember what happened to the rest of my night except for the Cavs winning, again. I got a few winks in after some awsome big money poker for 1$ and that was Saturday. Sunday was wortheless as it is always cause I have to work for most of it.

Jim: You gotta have presence on the court. Presence like a cheetah rather than a chimp. Sure, they both got it, but Chimpy gotta jump his nuts around to get it. The shy cheetah moves with total nonchalance, stickin' it to them in his sexy, slow strut. Me? I play like a cheetah.
Basketball Diaries
Gillum would say this.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Basketball Is War

I finally got into a practice yesterday and it was not a good one. I have come to hate the person who decided it would be a good idea to put lines on the basketball court. I don't know which is worse, running the lines or diving to a line to make the time and having to run again anyways. Basketball is war. There is no sport with the amount of cheapshots that basketball has. People will go out of the way to hit you when a ref is not looking. The sport started out as a sport with no contact at all. What has happened to the days when if you touched somebody or handchecked you were immediatly called for a foul. Personally, I do not care. I hold on to everyone because if I didn't I would suck. I have to be one of the slowest gaurds in the SWC but I am problaby one of the best defenders in the conference. I believe in my defensive abilities so much that I know I can stop anybody. Put me on a Hero and I will do everything in my power to shut that kid down.

Friday-Medina and Mount Vernon
My play started out slow just coming back from all that sick time and injury time. My first game I was just trying to fit in and lead the team. Well after the first game of lack luster offense from everybody and me playing incredibly bad in the second game with 3 turnovers, I knew I need to kick it up a notch. Third game I took over for our offensive production. I scored every point of our teams in the quater and that was good enough to top the other team. I did make Amherst sports look really bad though. In the 5th game I caught an outlet pass and as soon as I caught it somebody dove at my legs and took me out. On the way down I had time to yell a very loud four letter word. The whole gym got silent and I walked off the court extremely fast. Overall, the defense was amazing and Gillum told me I have found my way back into the player I was a month ago and welcomed me back. Ryan, where were you? I showed up. On the way home one of the funniest moments in my life took place. We were talking about chinese food and I began talking about what makes good rice. Chonko looks at me and says "Doesn't rice come from cocunuts?" He was totally serious. Dumbest comment I have ever heard.

Saturday Admiral King and Fairview
We played well! !

Jesus Shuttlesworth: Basketball is like poetry in motion, cross the guy to the left, take him back to the right, he's fallin' back, then just J right in his face. Then you look at him and say, "What?"
He Got Game

Monday, November 14, 2005

My Lifesaver Did This

Over the past few days I have realised that Ryan is the only friend I have that would save my life. Not taking anything from you other kids but in all out honesty not one of you would put your lifes at risk for anyone but yourselves or your immediate family. After the bronk I have finally made my way back to the court. Not a great practice but not a bad one but then I found the sudden urge to fucking steal the ball anytime somebody was fucking playing weak. I pressured the kid and he fucking comes back at me with a big ass elbow. I continue to play knowing that something isnt right but I didn't care. He stops playing and says "are we still playing?" Well, im bleeding gallons of blood everywhere and It really didnt hurt until I found my way into the trainers room. I got ahold of my dad and we made our way right down the street to Amherst E.R.

The secont part of my journey had a jewish doctor who was fucking amazing. He told me my life was way to stressed and I needed to calm down. He started on the procedures and goes to me half way throught that he lost count of how many stiches he put in, that bad. He ended it and recomended if I didnt like what he did go to a plastic surgeon. Looking at these pics I look like somebody on Nip Tuck. The surgery was the coolest feeling ever though. Just think your lip being numb and cold metal sliding through it. The gash in it was about 3cm and it went all the way through. He told me if R.C hit me any harder i would have lost a section of my lip. Well, read the comments in the other entry and thanks for looking at this ugly face. Maybe I do need that plastic surgeon.

Cotton McKnight: In 23 years of broadcasting I thought I'd seen it all, folks. But it looks like Peter La Fleur has actually blindfolded himself.
Pepper Brooks: He will not be able to see very well, Cotton.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Deep Thinking

When you are sick and tripping on vicadin you think about a lot of things that you have never thought before. Last Saturday I questioned alot of things but after looking back on that night I had another pass at them during a conversation over the internet with somebody that people who read this do not need to know(please keep what i said on the dl.) Religion is the most overrated thing in the world. I believe in a god and believe that someone is somewhere making my life a tad harder for me but what churches teach is true bull. Today, Max told me I got kicked out of Phych. when nothing even close to that happened. I was yelled at for sleeping. Being sick he later understood. But the fact remains that in the matter of one day the story had changed that much. So how could religion not change in the matter of thousands of years? I believe religion to be a way of putting meaning to our lives and just not accepting the fact that we are just on this world to live out something pointless and try to leave some kind of mark, most do not. Our lives our pretty pointless also. We do meaningless things every day. I play basketball and it has come to my mind that in no way 10 years from now will this ever help me. The things I do for fun have no purpose either. I play football or a shooting game on video game console. Now if you can think of one way how that will make me a better person or help me in the future I congradulate you and hopefully you let me in on it. I have very few friends that I think I will talk to after high school and out of all of them I only know of one of them that would save my life if it was ever threatened. I thank him for this and this person usually does not read my blog but I will thank him anyways. Millions of things rushing through my mind and I don't know if I'm crazy, the Z-Pack, or a combo. Thanks for reading this pointless post but I wanted a record of the day I questioned alot of things.

Gretchen: You're weird.
Donnie: Sorry.
Gretchen: No, that was a compliment.
Donnie Darko

Monday, November 07, 2005

No Idea What To Write About

This weekend was terrible. I saw Jarhead Friday and it was a very good. Not as good as others are making it out to be, but none the less very good. The left side of the theatre is always cooler then the left. Ryan I love you for that special call you gave me. Thanks again. Saturday was boring as hell with nothing exciting happened all day. I have lost poker credibility so I am gonna stop playing for a little while. I need something to fill this void. Lets see, I got no sleep what so ever Saturday night with me pondering things that most humans don't think about until its nearing the end. Does religion matter? What happens after your gone? Will I ever reach Serenity? Deep thoughts. Sunday was boring as hell. I woke up late because i got no sleep at all. I had to go to work and was exspecting to be there for 3 hours but was instead watching kids swim for 6 hours. I had to calmly tell a coach to settle down and tell her when people are under water they can not hear you. Sunday night was more bluh. I missed Chicken Little but I believe I am going Friday, who knows though. Lets see, this is short and basketball has started so I am already tired. Anything else going on in my life?

Frank: The only Valentine's Day cards I get are from my mother. How pathetic is that?
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Christopher Dillon's Cred Awards Novembor 05

Cred Awards 05'

I have decided while being bored and talking to Zack to hold my first ever Cred Awards. This will grow into a thing much more wanted then some dumb moonman over time, you wait and see. Everyone wants my Cred so ill get it started.

Best Known Artist(popular artists)
Dave Matthews Band is hands down one of the biggest bands of the 90's and have the musical talent to back it up. The way songs are put togethor are amazing and the live albums they have released put many jam bands to shame. Virginia native Dave Matthews desserves some Cred with some Ants Marching.

Foo Fighters-Awsome grunge band, don't argue with that unless you have seem them live.
Coldplay-Biggest band on the face of the planet at the moment.
Kanye West-President Bush hates black people!

Most Overplayed Song
Falloutboy-Sugar, We're Go'in Down Swingin
This song so way to much airtime in 05. They are not even sweet in concert. I do not understand the hype that they get in the emo kid world. Pretty good album but this song just takes the cake as bad news. Video did not help at all.

Gorillaz-Feel Good, Inc
Kelly Clarkson-Since You Been Gone
Kanye West-Golddigger

Worst Artist Ever
I do not understand Crunk, its rap thats yells the same words over and over. Thats why I do not get this guy at all. At least NAS or Jay-Z rap about something. WHAT? HUH? YEAH! can you say something else for the love of god Lil Jon in any of your songs. My 8 your old sister could write a better rap song. Your hooks are bad news. You desserve no Cred.

Limp Biscuit and CrazyTown are Rock-Rap, nuff said.
Eddie Murphy wants to party all the time. If you understand this you need a medal of honor.

Person or Persons Who Gets Tons Of Cred
Guster and the Gorillaz are amazing bands with nothing in common but the fact they make good music. Both are incredible and need everyones attention.

Best Song
Belle and Sebastian-Like Dylan In the Movies
This song is amazing. If it would have been spelt like my name I would be in dropping out of school right now and heading for New York right now to become an actor. Lucky for me they spelt it wrong so I can get a good job and not some bum in NYC. Just listen to this song and you will think of me.

Guster-Come Down Stairs And Say Hello
I apoligise to george but i could not get this song over the top of the belle. I played both over and over and still couldn't find a way to move it in front.
Belle and Sebastian-If Your Feeling Sinister
This song got me into indie music. This song has changed my life and my musical taste but its not my even my favorite song on the record. I forsee a best artist coming.
My Mourning Jacket-Off The Record
Know one in Amherst knows about this band but me and thats the way I like it. I switch songs alot but when i click this song I am able to stick to it without ever changing it. I love it and it loves the fact that i love it, off the record of course.

Best Album
The Postal Service-Give Up
You may wonder why they have never been mentioned anywhere else in this blog but not one song on this record is better then any other, this is a good thing. Every song is amazing and could be a single on any college radio station in the nation. Anything Death Cab touches is gold and so I hope to be touched by them.

Belle And Sebastain-If Your Feeling Sinaster
This record made me an indie kid. I will never look back.
The Arcade Fire-Funeral
Created a style that is trying to be copied by veterens of the indie pop genre. With those lights out in the neighborhood they are one of the biggest bands in Canada.
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah-Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
Indie that weird people make fun of. Sounds like a guy talking at the fair. CLAP YOUR HANDS for this New York indie band. This record has run many Lorain kids out of the pool when I want to leave early because its just way to cool for them.

Best Artists
Belle And Sebastian-No one in the world compares to the greatness of this band. The band was scared of becoming big so instead of playing gigs at concert halls they played at cofee shops, parties, and librarys. I wish for a birthday that Belle and Sebastain would show up for.

Franz Ferdinand
Hot Hot Heat
Bloc Party

Bands You Need To Listen
Boys Night Out
Catch 22
And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead
Of Montreal
Panic! At The Disco
Maximo Park
The Magical Numbers
The Dead 60`s
The Decemberists
The Faint
Wolf Parade
Nada Surf
Gavin Degraw
The Stills
The Faint
Circa Survive
And Till Next Time...

Monday, October 31, 2005

Super Blog Coming From Zack and I

We are the adminstrators of the super blog. I think im going to keep it going even after we leave for college as a way for us to communicate with each other and other people who go to different colleges. Be on the look out for that and a update this week again for no reason at all.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Hate Pt. 1

Hate-To feel hostility or animosity toward
It has come to me that in Amherst and in this county I hate a ton of people. It has come to me that all these people I think I hate, I really do not. Brian Kandrac may be an asshole and tryed to pick a fight with a 85 year old but deep down I kind of like him. Aaron is overrated and if you read my blog you will get the explanation to that. You talk more then me and when someone tells you to shut up, you do not listen. At the football games people countless times have told you to stop but you keep on going. You are very persistent and will not take no for an answer. Lets see, who is next? Drew Phillips i just dislike because everyone told me he was Ryan's cousin but in all out honesty, he is not even related to the kid. Ryan, I could never hate you. Webb, I kinda would rather not hang out with this kid. He seems o.k but he is really inmature sometimes. He also does not know what indie music is and tells me my idea of it is wrong, your not right. Lastly, he tells impossible stories and exspects us to believe. Droll I do dislike with no explanation needed. All these kids also have no credibility except Ryan in my eyes and this list will grow longer over time. I have no idea why I wrote this but I did and now I wish I had not wasted my time on it.

Champ Kind: I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Blood Work On A Friday

I woke up Friday the same time I always do. Normally I get ready just in time to get in Ryan's car but on this day I had an appointment with Dr. Sun. I got my physicall then I told him how i was feeling the past couple days and he recomended that I go get bloodwork done for my thyroid. My dad has that problem so he believes that I may have it also. I went to LabCorp to get it done and on the first try the nurse missed the vein. She had to do it again and on the secont try she thought she had missed again but I got lucky and the blood began to pour out. It was about eleven at the point so I had to hit up some food. Getting food at Bellacinos took a minute and by the time that was done it was almost one. I decided I had no reason to go to school then so I dropped by FootLocker and picked up my shoes.

The rest of the day was spent with the Pauls and Zack and then during the game the Pauls left us for greaner places. To replace the Pauls we got togethor with Katrina, the hurricane, and Hollie which was bad luck for Amherst. I lost my spot in the student section so like a dork I had to hang out down on the ground. Caples is the man getting that pen but overall the game just got stupider and stupider. As soon as the fours went up the bad luck left and we started our comeback. You know the outcome so I will leave it at that.

Rest of the night was spent with one of the best movies of the year. John put it best saying, "i feel like a worser person after watching that movie," I think thats what he said but I was already asleep. Who knows, anything. With this I can say "LETS PLAY BASKETBALL" and be done with a dissappointing football season.

Jerry Maguire: Do you want this jacket? I don't need it. I'm cloaked in failure!
Jerry Maguire

Sunday, October 16, 2005

History and The Decemberists

Had a very nice week. Short week of school for us public school kids while others got to have the holy wars and one of those holy places was special enough to have Don Cheadle come by and give a nice speech. But, i was at home enjoying my day after some nice winnings in poker the night before. By now all have learned i have the best poker style in the world, its called being lucky. I add to it by almost calling anything. Many say that the way i play is bull and i am a terrible player but i do not want to miss a flop just like my boy Sammy. Friday's homecoming came with an impressive win of 44-0. Saturday came with some early morning work but i got to hit up A History Of Voilence;

Secont best movie i have seen this year right behind Oldboy. This movie had everything you need. Mortenson is the biggest badass ever now with Hildago and this backing it up. Please support this movie. It has sex, voilence, suspense, killing and really nice shots of the aftermath, and a very nice stair scene that totally did not fit anything.

After that it just got better. I am in a battle that im not going to win anytime soon with Marcy and i see no change in that at all. Constant bickering between the two of us while Cass Mccombs owned the stage. Very awsome performance to me. I tryed to get us a beer but the guy was just not feeling me. The Decemberists came and took over the stage. They played every song i wanted including The Chimney Sweep which was amazing. It was better to me then The Mariners Revenge but that was just as cool. The Decemberists were amazing except for some periods in the early part of the show that i felt were not needed and just way to long of them just playing. During The Chimney Sweep the playing was amazing but the part im talking about was just a bunch of noise. Great show all in and all and great week all in all.

: Warriors, come out to play-i-ay.
The Warriors

Sunday, October 09, 2005


The tour of the year for sure. Nothing compares to seeing Weezer and the Foo Fighers live. The day was incredible. It didnt go the way i exspected but it went just fine. I woke up and did some work around the house and listened to some music. I spend alot of time listening to music now and i can`t wait for the ipod video that i believe to be announced on the 12th of october. I dont think i will be able to pick it up till christmas but im going to make a push at recieving it earlier. I really need a 40 or even 60 gig media player. Currently im at about 2600 tracks but im getting away from the point. After hours of waiting for Joe he finally arrived. We went rolling to Cleveland in a pimped out car with spinners after a short pit stop to collect on my winnings of poker we were off. We were all hungry and found our way to the crown king of good burgers, White Castle. After me and john whoofed 5 down each and had a nice convo about random shit we were off again. We found the Convo Center on our first try that caused us to be way to early. We decided to walk around and found our way to Panini`s which is an awsome pizza place that i have none about forever. They have awsome sandwiches but i just stuck with the pizza. After walking around in the rain for some time we found a set for something that looked pretty cool. We have no idea what they were filming for but the road was full of old timey cars and old timey people in old timey clothes. We found our way to a Starbucks where we all had Orange Mocha Frapachinos. Once again I ran into someone commenting on Amherst in Cleveland with my sweat shirt on. Which leads me to the concert.

Kaiser Chiefs opened which are Mercury Award winners which is very big deal across the pond. They were incredible. The set was just amazing. WE ARE KAISER CHIEFS he kept chanting and he really got me warmed up.

Second, Weezer tore it up. They were amazing. I really don`t know what to say about them because they were that good.

Third, the Foo Fighters were amazing. They were incredible. I really do not care what anyone else says but they made the concert for me. Their show was amazing. Everything about it was incredible. I thought Weezer was amazing but to me the Foo Fighters were 10x better, thats how good they are. If you think they are just an alternative rock band you are dead wrong. In concert they sound like a grunge band ready to beat the shit out of you. I have never heard a drummer that good before. I could go on forever but i will stop at that. Next time they come to town I will be at Ticketmaster purchasing my tickets the day they go on sale and will be on that floor pumped and ready to go.

[after dropping through the ceiling on a rope and killing nine mobsters]
Connor: Well, "Name one thing you're gonna need this stupid fucking rope for."
Murphy: That was way easier than I thought it would be.
Connor: Aye.
Murphy: On TV you always have that guy that jumps over the sofa...
Connor: And then you've got to shoot at him for ten fucking minutes.
Murphy: We're good.
Connor: Yes, we are.
Boondock Saints

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Best Day In A While

Well a few weeks back i entered a contest on The Decemerists website for a chance to win tickets to their concert that was happening in cleveland. I initally had plans to go to this concert but after Joe deciding to take me to the weezer concert i changed my mind to not go. Well, from what i understand Zack had scrapped his plans on going also until this awsome day when i got a email from The Decembrists saying that i had won two tickets to the concert. I just have to go to will call and pick them up. I had to reread the email a few times just to make sure that they were not screwing with me but from what i can tell i had just won two tickets. I think this alone was worth a blog entry and while i was writing this a fly flew up my nose and im not even kidding about that.

Mr. Pink: How about if I'm Mr. Purple? That sounds good to me, I'll be Mr. Purple.
Joe: You're not Mr. Purple. Some guy on some other job is Mr. Purple. You're Mr. Pink!
Mr. White: Who cares what your name is?
Mr. Pink: Yeah that's easy for you to say, you're Mr. White, you have a cool sounding name. All right look if it's no big deal to be Mr. Pink, do you wanna trade?

Reservoir Dogs

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Nintendo Fusion

Five bands on one stage in cleveland. Three of those bands were sweet to me, one i just don`t get why people like them, and the first band that played i was actually really digging. To start this day i had to go to work and talk about stupid shit. It was so wortheless and it accomplished nothing. To overcome this tragic event of a meeting we went to the castle where i got the best thing in the world called a super burrito. It was excellant as usuall. After that bull shit we headed to cleveland to see an event. We got there and got to play some zelda. I didnt find it to be that exciting but ill wait and see if it will be worth the purchase of a cube. The first band Panic! At The Disco played first and i actually really liked their set. It was pretty good. The second band played and was really good to me. I love Boys Night Out and I think everyone should give them a shot. They have a nice blend of styles. The thing that sucked is the amount of emotion in the crowd for these two bands. Nothing fuckin happened. This all changed witht the beginning of the best set ever. Motion City Soundtrack took the stage and owned all. I got up close to the front and went fuckin crazy. It was so fuckin incredible that i will say it again, later. Zack and John went crowd surfing with some bad results for both of them. Zack almost died because no one fuckin kept him going. He almost slammed his fuckin head into the ground but that was nothing compared to John. No offense but the dumbass wore flip flops. Not smart. His toe is one of the nastiest things i have seen up close. It was black and just gross looking. He also lost his wallet but somebody he knew found it. That is incredibly lucky and the chances of that happening are astronomically high. So high i couldnt even count that high. The starting line is overated and just not great. During the set i was supposed to get a kid water but ending up throwing up in it for some reason. I attribute that to the baddness of the starting line. Fall Out Boy was last but not the least. They werent the best but one of the nicest bands i have ever seen. "its getting rough out there. if you see someone fall down pick them up..." Overall they were descent and the concert was finished very nicely. Hmm, I also saw Dana Beal and she was nice to me, go figure.

Barry: Holy shite. What the fuck is that?
Dick: It's the new Belle and Sebastian...
Rob: It's a record we've been listening to and enjoying, Barry.
Barry: Well, that's unfortunate, because it sucks ass.
High Fidelity

This quote is in no way funny but i love belle and sebastian and think its hilarious that a indie band like them who didn`t even wont to be big got mentioned in a movie.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Had To Post This John, I Really Did LOL

Conversation about John and sports led to this story;
jijibijiboy: that's nothing compared to the true story of my first day at football
RunOfTheDill: hmm
RunOfTheDill: i want to know
RunOfTheDill: do tell
jijibijiboy: ok
jijibijiboy: so i'm at practice
jijibijiboy: i'm new, i don't really know anyone
RunOfTheDill: write on big message
RunOfTheDill: please i dont want to have to keep coming back and fourth
RunOfTheDill: thanks for doing that
RunOfTheDill: i have like 22 thhings going
RunOfTheDill: and my cpu sucks
RunOfTheDill: long
RunOfTheDill: press enter now so i can started
RunOfTheDill: get started
jijibijiboy: i'm a quiet guy, you know that. so i'm basically sticking to myself. at the time i'm like 145 lbs.... so, really small compared to these others guys. so we're at practice. we're doing the exercises, and i am DYING. i can hardly breathe. swear to god, i had tunnel vision, i was sweating to death- ready to pass out. and this is fifteen seconds into it. finally we go outside and i'm like, sweet, time to leave.
jijibijiboy: so i'm getting ready to get outta there when i realize we're supposed to run around the entire school. three times.
RunOfTheDill: lol u would die at a day of bball
jijibijiboy: i'm like, ok, i'm basically so exhausted i'm stoned. so i start running. and i keep running. and when everyone turns to circle the school, i keep running straight.
RunOfTheDill: lol
jijibijiboy: behind me i hear the coach calling.
RunOfTheDill: i really laughed out loud
jijibijiboy: i ran all the way home
RunOfTheDill: lol again i really did
jijibijiboy: and puked all over the living room floor
RunOfTheDill: my dad is asking whats going on
RunOfTheDill: lol
jijibijiboy: hahaha
RunOfTheDill: lol
RunOfTheDill: im dying
jijibijiboy: joe can collaborate
jijibijiboy: that's a true story
RunOfTheDill: i just fell out of my chair
RunOfTheDill: im not even kidding
jijibijiboy: calm down man :P

Thursday, September 22, 2005

My Chemical Romance and Alkaline Trio Concert

I got tickets to this concert exspecting it to be sweet as hell. Well, it wasnt. On a scale of 10 it was 4. The only reason it is that high is my chemical and alkaline ruled. Both bands were incredible and my chemicals lead singer is one funny mother fucker. The first two bands just fucking screamed and cursed like little bitches. SCREAMO=GAY. HARDCORE=IS OKAY. Zack was fuckin sick but there was no way i wanted to go up into that crowd anyways. Anybody that has a bandana on his or her head and is not tied to a gang is gay. Many people were whering fucking gloves which pissed me off. No offense but emo fashion in general pisses me off. I work with a emo kid and he explained why he wheres girl pants to me once but i still just dont get it. So emo kids, chear up. Timeline as a book was really good but as a movie, terrible. English class in general just brings my day down. Now i sit in a corner and just sleep all the time. No one sits by me and half the period i spend listening to my mp3 player now. Other then that shit i just dont have much to say. Quote of the month was skipped for some reason so im going to do two this week. Have fun.

[after Spicoli wrecks Jefferson's car]
Jefferson's Brother: My brother's gonna kill us! He's gonna kill us! He's gonna kill you and he's gonna kill me, he's gonna kill us!
Jeff Spicoli: Hey man, just be glad I had fast reflexes!
Jefferson's Brother: My brother's gonna shit!
Jeff Spicoli: Make up your mind, dude, is he gonna shit or is he gonna kill us?
Jefferson's Brother: First he's gonna shit, then he's gonna kill us!
Jeff Spicoli: Relax, alright? My old man is a television repairman, he's got this ultimate set of tools. I can fix it.
Fast Times At Ridgemont High

Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!
Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?
Mr. Pink: Nah, I don't believe in it.
Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?
Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make shit.
Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit.
Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a fucking Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?
Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.
Mr. Blue: Hey, our girl was nice.
Mr. Pink: She was okay. She wasn't anything special.
Mr. Blue: What's special? Take you in the back and suck your dick?
Nice Guy Eddie: I'd go over twelve percent for that.
Reservoir Dogs

Monday, September 12, 2005

Zack,Ryan, and I VS Vermillion Purple People Eater

So we were beating up on Vermillion and I decided to take a stroll over to the other side with these two kids. We get over there and were being cool just hanging out watching little Kish and company begin the trampling. Well, first a bitch chearleading coach yells at us and tells us that we are in her way and tells us to go back to our side. We just act like we dont hear her. So were chillen for another couple of minutes and this guy in a big purple coat comes up to us and told us to leave. Ryan asked why and he said we were causing problems. Well Ryan then ask, "How?" The guy thinks he is funny and tells Ryan that he is blocking his path from leaving. So we start to leave and then we just go right back to where we were standing. The guy comes back a secont time and causes more problems with us. He then goes on to say that he will call the cops up on us if we dont leave. I really didnt want to get in trouble with the coaches over something this stupid so I just left. Purple people eaters suck at all sports and should not have even had the right to play against on us in football. I hope this asshole comes to the basketball game and see his sailors get beat in that sport just like the football team did.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Brian Kandrac Vs. Old Man

Football has begun and i have begun spending alot of money on food again. These football games are always bad on the road because student sections are hard to come by. Well, this one had a confrontation between me and an old guy that turned into a gay kid named Kandrac getting grabbed and almost punched for being an asshole. Next time you see this kid just call him an asshole because what he did was uncalled for and noone even found what he said even remotely funny. If you want the story ask me, max, R.C, B.C, or alot of other people who i just cant remember. I did see The 40 Old Virgin and heres its review;

Funniest movie of the year. Had some of the best dialogue i have ever seen in a movie. The conversation about being gay is one of the best ever and almost every i know is gay because of what that conversation said about coldplay. Dont download this movie. Pay to see or just buy it like im doing.

I have come to realise now also that all my money is being spent on dvds. I anticapate every week to see what im buying and whats a good deal. I am soon going to have to buy a case to store my dvds and am hoping for a good poker day to pay for this. Currently I have around 65 titles. Im turning sundays into movie days so if you want to watch one with me you just have to come over any part of the day. I had the first one this sunday with about 6 people coming over. We watched Prison Break, Donnie Darko, Boondock Saints, others watched Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, and myself, george, and joe watched from dusk till dawn which is a Q.T and P Rod classic.

Monday of the first week of september was boring but some of us played football and had some fun at it. We played some dumbasses that are led by Jeff Goola. Other then that it was a bad holiday with me reading most of the day. Well, thats it so have fun with your lives. Im ending every blog entry with a movie quote now also so heres the first one;

Seth: So, what's the deal with you two, you a couple of fags?
Jacob: He's my son.
Seth: Yeah, how'd that happen? You don't look Japanese.
Jacob: Neither does he. He looks Chinese.
Seth: Oh, well pardon me all to hell.
From Dusk Till Dawn